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Observational Astronomy

ASTR 211
Spring 2024
Section: 01  
Course Cluster and Certificates: Planetary Science, Planetary Science Minor

This course introduces the techniques of observational astronomy. Students will acquire a basic knowledge of the sky and become familiar with the use of Van Vleck Observatory's telescopes and instruments. Acquisition and analysis of astronomical data via modern techniques are stressed. Topics include celestial coordinates, time, telescopes and optics, astronomical imaging, and photometry. Some basic computer and statistical analysis skills are developed as well. The concepts discussed in lecture are illustrated through observing projects and computer exercises.
Credit: 1.25 Gen Ed Area Dept: NSM ASTR
Course Format: LectureGrading Mode: Student Option
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: ASTR108 OR ASTR111 OR ASTR105 OR ASTR107 OR E&ES151 OR ASTR155 OR ASTR210
Fulfills a Requirement for: (ASTR)(PSCI-MN)(STS)
Past Enrollment Probability: 75% - 89%

Last Updated on JAN-02-2025
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