Sophomore Economics Tutorial: History of Welfare Economics
CSS 220
Fall 2023
| Section:
This tutorial addresses the question: What can economics tell us about the impact of economic systems and policies on human wellbeing? We will have two main focuses: (1) How do we define value and measure impacts of consumption and policy on individuals and society as a whole? And (2) How do we assess what is the proper role of government in the economy? We will consider the evolution of thought on these questions as exemplified by classical economists in the 18th and 19th centuries, the utilitarian thinkers of the 19th century, neoclassical economists in the early 20th century, early welfare economists in the 1920s, the "New Welfare Economics" of the 1930s and 40s, and the challenges to welfare economics as a discipline that emerged in the 1950s and 60s. Throughout our examination, we will pay careful attention to the distinction between positive and normative modes of inquiry in economics. |
Credit: 1.5 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Discussion | Grading Mode: Credit/Unsatisfactory |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (CSS) |
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available |
SECTION 01 - 1st Trimester |
Major Readings: Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
Some primary sources include: McCain, Roger A., WELFARE ECONOMICS: AN INTERPRETIVE HISTORY. London: Routledge, 2019. Medema, Steven G., THE HESITANT HAND: TAMING SELF-INTEREST IN THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS. Princeton University Press. doi:10.1017/CB09781139149785. Sunstein, Cass R., THE COST-BENEFIT REVOLUTION. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2018.
Examinations and Assignments:
Weekly Papers at the beginning of each class meeting |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments:
Course open to CSS Sophomores only. |
Instructor(s): Sheehan-Connor,Damien Francis Times: .....F. 02:00PM-04:00PM; Location: DWNY100; |
Permission of Instructor Required Enrollment capacity: 11 | Permission of instructor will be granted during the drop/add period. Students must submit either a ranked or unranked drop/add request for this course. |
Drop/Add Enrollment Requests | | | | | |
Total Submitted Requests: 0 | 1st Ranked: 0 | 2nd Ranked: 0 | 3rd Ranked: 0 | 4th Ranked: 0 | Unranked: 0 |