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Topology II: Topological Groups
MATH 526
Fall 2006 not offered
This course may be repeated for credit.

The course will devide into three parts of roughly equal duration, as follows. (A) An irreducible minimum: "What every graduate student should know" about topological groups. (B) A detailed, sustained proof of some one major result (to be determined by student consensus). Choices might be: The existence of Haar measure; Pontryagin duality; etc. (C) Miscellaneous special topics and associated unsolved problems, to be chosen by the Instructor with student input.

Essential Capabilities: None
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: None
Course Format: LectureGrading Mode: Graded
Level: GRAD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: (MATH)

Last Updated on SEP-07-2024
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