MB&B 394
Spring 2025
| Section:
This course is designed to familiarize students with current research techniques in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. A variety of methods and approaches will be applied in a series of short projects, primarily using E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast) as model systems. Students will gain hands-on experience employing recombinant DNA, microbiology, protein biochemistry, and other methods to answer basic research questions. This course provides excellent preparation for students planning to conduct independent research at the undergraduate level (MB&B401/402) and beyond. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Laboratory Course | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: [MB&B208 or BIOL208] |
Fulfills a Requirement for: None |
Past Enrollment Probability: 50% - 74% |
Major Readings: Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
Relevant readings, to be announced.
Examinations and Assignments:
Midterm, final, and laboratory write-ups. |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments:
Sophomores who meet the prerequisites may take this course with permission of the instructor. |
Instructor(s): MacQueen,Amy Times: ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; ....R.. 01:20PM-03:40PM; Location: HALL283; HALL283; |
Total Enrollment Limit: 16 | | SR major: 8 | JR major: 8 | | |
Seats Available: -2 | GRAD: X | SR non-major: 0 | JR non-major: 0 | SO: 0 | FR: X |
Drop/Add Enrollment Requests | | | | | |
Total Submitted Requests: 1 | 1st Ranked: 1 | 2nd Ranked: 0 | 3rd Ranked: 0 | 4th Ranked: 0 | Unranked: 0 |