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Costume Design for Theater and Dance
THEA 383
Spring 2011 not offered

An intensive exploration of the interaction of materials, the human form, and text in performance (whether dramatic, psychological, social, historical, hidden, religious, et al.). The topics covered will include draping the human form, basic design, costume research, fabrics, project realizations, and text analysis. The course will proceed from design of the torso or bodice to design for a solo performer to multiple related designs (e.g., a Shakespearean text, a Mozart opera, a parade, a ceremony, a series of solo performances, et al.).

Essential Capabilities: None
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA THEA
Course Format: StudioGrading Mode: Student Option
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: THEA105 OR ARST131 OR ARST445
Fulfills a Requirement for: (IDEA-MN)(THEA)

Last Updated on JAN-02-2025
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