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An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis-Democracy and the Social Sciences
SOC 256
Spring 2009 not offered
Crosslisting: GOVT 366

The course is an introduction to the concepts, methods, and tools used in the analysis of quantitative data in the social sciences. It covers topics in descriptive statistics and statistical inference and adopts a hands-on, learning-by-doing approach to explore major sources of social data and to develop the appropriate statistical tools.

Essential Capabilities: None
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS SOC
Course Format: Lecture / DiscussionGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (CADS)(DATA-MN)(GOVT)(GOVT-American)(GOVT-Comparativ)(GOVT-Intl.)(HRAD-MN)

Last Updated on JAN-02-2025
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