Science and technology intersect with myriad areas of policy and politics. Recall the regulatory failures behind patient deaths from Vioxx; the emergence of funding for embryonic stem cell research as a major political issue; high-profile instances of scientific fraud; the debate over the reality and extent of climate change; and the widespread public perception of eroding American research and development competitiveness in a globalizing world. Discussion of these issues often revolves around a common set of questions about the relationship between science and policy. Is scientific and technological development a force beyond human control, or can it be governed? Is more and better science necessary for better public decision making? Can only scientists judge the value of scientific research programs or the validity of scientific results? Is the furtherance of scientific understanding always socially benign, and who decides? This course examines such questions by surveying the variety of interactions among science, technology, and policy, focusing primarily on the American context, but also including comparative perspectives. The approach is multidisciplinary, drawing upon literature in a wide range including history, law, and science and technology studies. A background in science is not required. |