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Reason Against Itself

HIST 322
Fall 2013 not offered
Certificates: The Study of Education

Medieval thought and invention, encapsulated in writing, reading, and material creation, stand at the beginning of most European developments. This course will expose students both to the variety and intensity of medieval thinking and the institutions of education and technology that the Middle Ages initiated and sustained. Among the topics to be discussed are the nature of medieval memory and literacy, the medieval university, and schools, but the focus will generally be on key texts and their contexts, preeminently their authors. Thus, we shall read Augustine, Abelard, Anselm, and Aquinas, Hildegard, Catherine of Siena, and Christine de Pisan. Stress will be given to the social and power aspects of intellectual life.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS HIST
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (HIST-MN)(HIST)

Last Updated on JAN-02-2025
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