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Introduction to Statistical Consulting
QAC 380
Spring 2012
Section: 01  

In this course, students will be exposed to realistic statistical and scientific problems that appear in typical interactions between statisticians and researchers. The goal is for students to apply what they have learned in their basic statistics and data analysis courses to gain greater experience in the areas of research collaboration, data management and analysis, and writing and presenting reports on the results of the analyses. An important objective of the course is to help develop communication skills, both written and verbal, as well as the professional standards and the interpersonal skills necessary for effective statistical consulting.

Essential Capabilities: Information Literacy, Quantitative Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning. Using real data in a computer laboratory, students will develop a quantitative argument, formulate and test hypotheses using statistics, and observe and summarize relationships among their selected constructs. The emphasis is on reasoning rather than rote computation.
Information Literacy. By learning to use software applications, databases, and other technologies flexibly, students will develop an intellectual framework for understanding, finding, evaluating, and using information. The goal will be to promote lifelong learning through abilities that initially based on technology, will ultimately be independent of it.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: NSM QAC, SBS QAC
Course Format: LaboratoryGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: MATH132 OR ECON300 OR PSYC200 OR [QAC201 or SOC257 or GOVT201 or PSYC280 or NS&B280]
Fulfills a Requirement for: (CADS)(DATA-MN)(PSYC)
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on JAN-14-2025
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