Modern American Poetry: High Modernists to Postmodernists
ENGL 367
Spring 2013 not offered
This course will focus on close readings of the major figures of 20th-century modernist poetry and their postwar literary descendants. We will read complete volumes and selected works of several poets (Pound, Eliot, Frost, and Auden) whose innovation, influence, and critical prestige led to their canonization as the central voices of the American poetic tradition. We will look at the work of other leading figures (Stein, Stevens, Williams, and McKay) who inspired alternative traditions of American modern and postmodern poetry among the poets who came to prominence after World War II. We will conclude by studying key volumes of several postwar poets that may include works by such poets as Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell, Robert Hayden and Gwendolyn Brooks, Alan Ginsberg and Frank O'Hara, John Ashbery and Adrienne Rich. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Seminar | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: None |
Major Readings:
Readings will include eight books by twentieth-century American poets and a supplementary course reader.
Examinations and Assignments: Several 1 page, on-line reading responses, an analytical essay of 3-4 pages, a midterm essay of 5-7 pages, and a final essay of 8-10 pages. |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments: This course contributes to the completion of the American Literature and Theory & Literary Forms concentrations of the English major. |
Drop/Add Enrollment Requests | | | | | |
Total Submitted Requests: 0 | 1st Ranked: 0 | 2nd Ranked: 0 | 3rd Ranked: 0 | 4th Ranked: 0 | Unranked: 0 |