NS&B 317
Spring 2022 not offered
Ethics, or morality, is one of the complex features of human behavior. This course will explore "Neuroethics" from two perspectives: (1) the neuroscience of ethics (i.e., the role of the human brain in ethical or moral behavior) and (2) the ethics of neuroscience (i.e. the ethical implications of manipulating the brain). The first perspective will relate to the premise that human morality is embodied in and operates based on the principles of the functional architecture of the brain, in particular, the cerebral cortex. The course will examine the organization and neural networks, especially of the association cortices (prefrontal Cortex: ventromedial, dorsolateral and orbitofrontal cortex; the cingulate cortex; temporal association cortex; and the inferior and superior parietal lobes). The course will review studies on the development of moral values in children and their neural underpinnings, leading to studies of the functions of the adult brain in moral or ethical decision-making. Topics such as the neural basis of resolving the "Trolley Problem," neuroeconomics, altruism, poverty, forgiveness, and compassion will provide the basis for this discussion. We will evaluate from a neuroscience perspective questions such as determinism and free will, and the sense of "self"--ideas that have played a significant role in ethical theories. Based on this body of knowledge, we will look at emerging ethical issues arising from technological developments that allow for manipulating the normal and diseased brain. A variety of questions will be examined, including brain imaging and privacy; enhancement of normal brain function through chemical, electrical, and electromagnetic stimulation; implanted neural interfaces; restoring brain damage; and neuroscience and the law. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Lecture / Discussion | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: [PSYC225 or NS&B225] OR [NS&B213 or BIOL213 or PSYC240] |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (NS&B)(STS) |
Major Readings:
(1) Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science: Essential Readings in Neuroethics, Ed. Walter Glannon (Dana Press) Paperback edition)
(2) Original papers as specified throughout the course (PDF copied provided).
Examinations and Assignments:
Class attendance 10%, Eight short thought papers (Homework) 40%, Collaborative student group presentation on a topic in ethics of neuroscience 10%, Final paper on selected topic or critical book review 40% |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments:
One lab session (evening) to familiarize students with brain anatomy relevant to the course for students who have not taken NS&B 239 (Human Brain)
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