Intensive Italian is a course designed for highly motivated students who wish to learn the basics of Italian language in one semester. The course emphasizes the development of basic oral and written competence, and reading and aural comprehension skills. In this course, you will master the linguistic skills necessary to function in day-to-day circumstances in Italian as you develop the ability to speak and understand Italian in a communicative and meaningful context. The course also challenges you to recognize, explore, and understand cultural differences and similarities between your native culture and Italian culture.
Grammar undergirds everything we do and say in this course; whether or not we are engaged in an explicit grammar exercise, you are always learning grammar that enables you to communicate effectively. We will use the textbook both in class and at home; additionally, your linguistic experience will be broadened by reading authentic texts and by viewing, listening to, and discussing cultural artifacts such as films, songs, and commercials. Class is conducted entirely in Italian. Because you will work collaboratively with your classmates and your instructor, your attendance, participation, and preparation are of the utmost importance.
This course is particularly recommended for students with a background in other romance languages, such as Spanish, French, or Portuguese. |