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Schemers and Redeemers: Capitalism and Christianity in the Early Republic
RELI 320
Fall 2022
Section: 01  
Crosslisting: HIST 313

This course examines the intersection of two of the most significant themes in U.S. history: Capitalism and Christianity. Beginning with the Early Republic (1790s) and continuing through the mid-19th century, this course asks students to explore how Americans used their religious identities to negotiate and shape market activity and institutions (and in turn, how the marketplace shaped their religion). Students will investigate the varied ways in which religious women and men resolved tensions between gender, class, slavery, moral dogma, and market imperatives. Finally, this course will require students to reflect on how the early 19th-century U.S. experience informs our understanding of the relationship between capitalism and Christianity in 21st-century America.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS HIST
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (AMST)(CIVI-MN)(HIST-MN)(HIST)(RELI-MN)(RELI)
Past Enrollment Probability: 75% - 89%

Last Updated on JAN-15-2025
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