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Keyboard Techniques for Composers and Conductors
MUSC 435
Fall 2023
Section: 01  

This course is intended for students who wish to master fundamental keyboard techniques. Through regular playing/performance assignments, this course will improve the students' ability to use the piano as a tool toward their musical careers.

Students will focus on harmonization, score reading, and their ability to accompany and lead from the keyboard. This course is performance-based and requires weekly practice. Basic conducting and rehearsing strategies will also make up part of the curriculum.

Students should have basic piano skills and a solid foundation in basic keyboard harmony.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA MUSC
Course Format: PerformanceGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: MUSC103
Fulfills a Requirement for: (MUSC)
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on JAN-02-2025
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