ANTH210-01 | The Technological Primate: Archaeological Approaches to Ancient Technology | Gill,Jayson Peter ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE137; |
ECON101-01 | Introduction to Economics | Skillman,Gilbert .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; SCIE150; |
ECON110-01 | Introduction to Economic Theory | Zhao,Xiaoxue ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; PAC100; |
ECON110-02 | Introduction to Economic Theory | Kuenzel,David ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; PAC001; |
ECON110-03 | Introduction to Economic Theory | Sheehan-Connor,Damien Francis ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC100; |
FREN112-01 | Intermediate French II | Leservot,Typhaine .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; B2B3 SOUTH; |
FREN112-02 | Intermediate French II | Curran,Andrew .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; FISK121; |
FREN215-01 | Advanced Intermediate French | Manfredini,Tommaso .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; FISK413; |
FREN215-02 | Advanced Intermediate French | Manfredini,Tommaso .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; FISK413; |
GOVT155-01 | International Relations | Gallarotti,Giulio .M.W... 08:20AM-09:40AM; PAC107; |
GOVT155-02 | International Relations | Gallarotti,Giulio .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; PAC107; |
GOVT155-03 | International Relations | Dolan,Lindsay R ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; PAC002; |
GOVT157-01 | Democracy and Dictatorship: Politics in the Contemporary World | Shahid,Rudabeh ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC307; |
GOVT157-02 | Democracy and Dictatorship: Politics in the Contemporary World | Shahid,Rudabeh ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; PAC107; |
HIST260-01 | Seeking the Land of the Rising Sun: Introduction to Premodern Japanese History and Culture | Kaplan-Reyes,Alexander .M.W... 04:30PM-05:50PM; PAC333; |
SPAN113-01 | Intermediate-Advanced Spanish | Perez-Girones,Ana .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; FISK101; |
SPAN113-02 | Intermediate-Advanced Spanish | Neary,Louise .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; FISK210; |
SPAN113-03 | Intermediate-Advanced Spanish | Plaza,Juan Esteban .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; FISK122; |