HIST175-01 | Introduction to History: The Atlantic World to 1850 | Lennox,Jeffers ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; FISK414; |
HIST186-01 | Introduction to History: The Raj (India and Britain) | Pinch,William R. .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; PAC421; |
HIST188-01 | Introduction to History: Revolutionary Women | Twagira,Laura Ann ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; PAC002; |
HIST214-01 | The Modern and the Postmodern | Roth,Michael S. .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; CFS190; |
HIST217-01 | Empires, Slavery, and Revolution: Africa to 1800 | Twagira,Laura Ann .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; FEAS SEM; |
HIST226-01 | Queen Mothers, Unruly Women: Histories of Gender and Sexuality in Africa | Twagira,Laura Ann TBA; TBA |
HIST231-01 | Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age | Masters,Bruce A. .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC422; |
HIST234-01 | The Modern Middle East | Masters,Bruce A. .M.W... 08:20AM-09:40AM; PAC004; |
HIST240-01 | The United States Since 1901 | Schatz,Ronald W. ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC002; |
HIST241-01 | From Romanus Pontifex (1454) to Black Lives Matter: Race and the Formation of the Modern World | Eudell,Demetrius L. ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; PAC002; |
HIST247-01 | The Fall of Rome and Other Stories | Torgerson,Jesse Wayne ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; DWNY113; |
HIST376-01 | Travel and Communication in Europe | Shaw,Gary .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; ALLB304; |