HEBR101-01 | Beginning Hebrew I | Katz,Dalit .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; ONLINE; |
HEBR201-01 | Intermediate Hebrew I | Katz,Dalit .M.W.F. 11:10AM-12:00PM; ONLINE; |
RELI151-01 | What is Religion? Shamans, Kool-Aid, and the First Amendment | Quijada,Justine ..T.R.. 11:10AM-12:30PM; ONLINE; |
RELI151F-01 | What is Religion? Shamans, Kool-Aid, and the First Amendment (FYS) | Quijada,Justine ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; FEAS SEM; |
RELI203-01 | Jews & Judaism: Race, Religion, Culture | Guzi,Bar ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; ONLINE; |
RELI215-01 | Politics and Piety in Early Christianities | Cameron,Ron .M.W... 01:00PM-02:20PM; ONLINE; |
RELI221F-01 | Islam & Muslim Cultures (FYS) | Gottschalk,Peter S. .M.W... 11:10AM-12:30PM; ONLINE; |
RELI228-01 | Classical Chinese Philosophy | Kanet,Sharisse Leigh ..T.R.. 11:10AM-12:30PM; SCIE405; |
RELI242-01 | Introduction to Buddhist Thought and Practice | Quintman,Andrew H ..T.R.. 01:00PM-02:20PM; ONLINE; |