Fall 2012      FYI: Writing and Literature       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL112The Environmental Imagination: Green Writing and Ecocriticism

Fall 2012      Theory       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL301Performance Theory and Literature
ENGL303Narrative Theory
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL376The New York Intellectuals
ENGL378Queer Time: The Poetics and Politics of Temporality
ENGL381Future Visions: Temporality and the Politics of Change

Fall 2012      Creative Writing       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL216Techniques of Poetry
ENGL246Personalizing History
ENGL270Writing Creative Nonfiction
ENGL292Techniques of Nonfiction
ENGL296Techniques of Fiction
ENGL299A Playwright's Workshop: Intermediate
ENGL312Special Topics: Identity Fictions
ENGL325Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL336Intermediate Poetry Workshop
ENGL339Intermediate Fiction Workshop

Fall 2012      Research Option       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL226The 1790s: Poetry, Painting, and the Novel After the French Revolution
ENGL266The Russian and English Novel
ENGL312Special Topics: Identity Fictions
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL375British Poetry Between Milton and Wordsworth
ENGL382American Literary Regionalism

Fall 2012      Research Seminar       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL246Personalizing History
ENGL376The New York Intellectuals

Fall 2012      Literary History I       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies

Fall 2012      Literary History II       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL226The 1790s: Poetry, Painting, and the Novel After the French Revolution
ENGL375British Poetry Between Milton and Wordsworth

Fall 2012      Literatures of Difference       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL219From Blackface to Black Power: The Art of Politics in 20th-C African American History and Culture
ENGL220African American Literary Activism: Wheatley - Jacobs
ENGL230Introduction to Asian American Literature
ENGL231Nineteenth-Century African American Women Writers
ENGL240Introduction to African American Literature
ENGL279Introduction to Latino/a Literatures and Cultures
ENGL301Performance Theory and Literature
ENGL307African American Autobiography
ENGL324Black Power and the Modern Narrative of Slavery
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies
ENGL378Queer Time: The Poetics and Politics of Temporality
ENGL381Future Visions: Temporality and the Politics of Change
ENGL382American Literary Regionalism

Fall 2012      American Literature       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL203American Literature from the Colonial Period to the Civil War
ENGL213Contemporary British and American Fiction
ENGL219From Blackface to Black Power: The Art of Politics in 20th-C African American History and Culture
ENGL220African American Literary Activism: Wheatley - Jacobs
ENGL230Introduction to Asian American Literature
ENGL231Nineteenth-Century African American Women Writers
ENGL240Introduction to African American Literature
ENGL279Introduction to Latino/a Literatures and Cultures
ENGL307African American Autobiography
ENGL315Time Is Money: Capitalism and Temporality
ENGL324Black Power and the Modern Narrative of Slavery
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL376The New York Intellectuals
ENGL382American Literary Regionalism

Fall 2012      British Literature       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL226The 1790s: Poetry, Painting, and the Novel After the French Revolution
ENGL266The Russian and English Novel
ENGL375British Poetry Between Milton and Wordsworth

Fall 2012      Race and Ethnicity       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL219From Blackface to Black Power: The Art of Politics in 20th-C African American History and Culture
ENGL220African American Literary Activism: Wheatley - Jacobs
ENGL230Introduction to Asian American Literature
ENGL231Nineteenth-Century African American Women Writers
ENGL240Introduction to African American Literature
ENGL279Introduction to Latino/a Literatures and Cultures
ENGL307African American Autobiography
ENGL324Black Power and the Modern Narrative of Slavery
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies

Fall 2012      Theory and Literary Forms       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL213Contemporary British and American Fiction
ENGL216Techniques of Poetry
ENGL246Personalizing History
ENGL266The Russian and English Novel
ENGL270Writing Creative Nonfiction
ENGL281Transnational Modern Drama: Ibsen to Brecht
ENGL292Techniques of Nonfiction
ENGL296Techniques of Fiction
ENGL299A Playwright's Workshop: Intermediate
ENGL301Performance Theory and Literature
ENGL303Narrative Theory
ENGL312Special Topics: Identity Fictions
ENGL324Black Power and the Modern Narrative of Slavery
ENGL325Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL336Intermediate Poetry Workshop
ENGL339Intermediate Fiction Workshop
ENGL371Henry James and the Giant Peach: Teaching the Fundamentals of Literary Analysis
ENGL375British Poetry Between Milton and Wordsworth
ENGL376The New York Intellectuals
ENGL378Queer Time: The Poetics and Politics of Temporality
ENGL381Future Visions: Temporality and the Politics of Change
ENGL382American Literary Regionalism
Spring 2013      FYI: Writing and Literature       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL115Literature of London

Spring 2013      Theory       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL214Introduction to Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory
ENGL294Diasporas, Transnationalism, and Globalization
ENGL295Reading Theories
ENGL374American Autobiography
ENGL380In Place of Reading: Social Location and the Literary Text

Spring 2013      Creative Writing       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL216Techniques of Poetry
ENGL241Special Topics in Creative Writing: Merging Forms
ENGL268Creative Criticism and Inquiry: Writing Documentary Nonfiction and Poetry
ENGL271Distinguished Writers/New Voices
ENGL292Techniques of Nonfiction
ENGL296Techniques of Fiction
ENGL297Creating Children's Books
ENGL318Postwar African American Fiction
ENGL326Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL337Advanced Poetry Workshop
ENGL339Intermediate Fiction Workshop
ENGL342Advanced Fiction Workshop
ENGL360Special Topics: Writing Lives
ENGL399A Playwright's Workshop: Advanced

Spring 2013      Research Option       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL280Staging Race in Early Modern England
ENGL282Transnational Modern Drama: Beckett to Postmodern
ENGL330Race, Romance, and Reform in 19th Century African American Women's Writing
ENGL364Vietnam and the American Imagination
ENGL373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances
ENGL374American Autobiography
ENGL377The View from Abroad on the Early Modern Stage

Spring 2013      Research Seminar       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL277American Pastoral

Spring 2013      Literary History I       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL280Staging Race in Early Modern England
ENGL293Introduction to Medieval Literature
ENGL305Shakespeare's Macbeth: From Saga to Screen
ENGL373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances
ENGL377The View from Abroad on the Early Modern Stage

Spring 2013      Literary History II       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL210The Rise of the Novel
ENGL253Science and/as Literature in Early Modern England
ENGL380In Place of Reading: Social Location and the Literary Text

Spring 2013      Literatures of Difference       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL222Slavery & the Literary Imagination
ENGL248Imagining the American South
ENGL261African American Women's Drama
ENGL280Staging Race in Early Modern England
ENGL282Transnational Modern Drama: Beckett to Postmodern
ENGL294Diasporas, Transnationalism, and Globalization
ENGL330Race, Romance, and Reform in 19th Century African American Women's Writing
ENGL335Latina Feminisms: (Re)presenting the Latina Body
ENGL364Vietnam and the American Imagination
ENGL374American Autobiography
ENGL379The Caribbean Epic

Spring 2013      American Literature       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL204American Literature, 1865-1945
ENGL222Slavery & the Literary Imagination
ENGL248Imagining the American South
ENGL250Contemporary U.S. Poetry
ENGL261African American Women's Drama
ENGL277American Pastoral
ENGL309Culture Performs: The American Revolution to the Civil War
ENGL330Race, Romance, and Reform in 19th Century African American Women's Writing
ENGL335Latina Feminisms: (Re)presenting the Latina Body
ENGL364Vietnam and the American Imagination
ENGL374American Autobiography

Spring 2013      British Literature       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL210The Rise of the Novel
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL253Science and/as Literature in Early Modern England
ENGL280Staging Race in Early Modern England
ENGL293Introduction to Medieval Literature
ENGL305Shakespeare's Macbeth: From Saga to Screen
ENGL373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances
ENGL377The View from Abroad on the Early Modern Stage

Spring 2013      Race and Ethnicity       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL222Slavery & the Literary Imagination
ENGL248Imagining the American South
ENGL261African American Women's Drama
ENGL280Staging Race in Early Modern England
ENGL294Diasporas, Transnationalism, and Globalization
ENGL330Race, Romance, and Reform in 19th Century African American Women's Writing
ENGL335Latina Feminisms: (Re)presenting the Latina Body
ENGL364Vietnam and the American Imagination
ENGL374American Autobiography

Spring 2013      Theory and Literary Forms       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL210The Rise of the Novel
ENGL214Introduction to Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory
ENGL216Techniques of Poetry
ENGL241Special Topics in Creative Writing: Merging Forms
ENGL250Contemporary U.S. Poetry
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL261African American Women's Drama
ENGL268Creative Criticism and Inquiry: Writing Documentary Nonfiction and Poetry
ENGL271Distinguished Writers/New Voices
ENGL272The Modernist City-Novel from Dublin to Döblin
ENGL277American Pastoral
ENGL280Staging Race in Early Modern England
ENGL282Transnational Modern Drama: Beckett to Postmodern
ENGL292Techniques of Nonfiction
ENGL294Diasporas, Transnationalism, and Globalization
ENGL295Reading Theories
ENGL296Techniques of Fiction
ENGL297Creating Children's Books
ENGL305Shakespeare's Macbeth: From Saga to Screen
ENGL309Culture Performs: The American Revolution to the Civil War
ENGL318Postwar African American Fiction
ENGL322Poetics of the Short-Short
ENGL326Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL337Advanced Poetry Workshop
ENGL339Intermediate Fiction Workshop
ENGL342Advanced Fiction Workshop
ENGL360Special Topics: Writing Lives
ENGL374American Autobiography
ENGL380In Place of Reading: Social Location and the Literary Text
ENGL399A Playwright's Workshop: Advanced

Last Updated on DEC-21-2024
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