Cultural Psychology
PSYC 261
Fall 2006
| Section:
Through essays, novels, videos and film, we will explore the intersection of culture, ideology and psychology. We will examine how gender, ethnicity and class are interwoven in the social fabric and individual identity. Employing feminist, psychoanalytic, and deconstructive interpretive methods, we will try to decipher the many ways we inscribe ourselves in culture. |
Essential Capabilities:
None |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Lecture/Discussion | Grading Mode: Student Option |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (PSYC)(STS) |
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available |
Major Readings: Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
R. Ellison, INVISIBLE MAN A. Lorde, SISTER OUTSIDER L.E. Wilder, LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE E. Santiago, WHEN I WAS PUERTO RICAN M. Frye, THE POLITICS OF REALITY M. French, THE WAR AGAINST WOMEN Films: Tongues Untied, The Color Purple, Real Women Have Curves
Examinations and Assignments: Papers. Optional project. |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments: Applications for the class are available outside Judd Hall Room 306. Directions for applying for the class and deadlines for applying can be found on those application forms which should be filled out during the browsing period. |
Instructor(s): Steele,Robert S. Times: ...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; Location: JUDD116; |
Permission of Instructor Required Enrollment capacity: 50 | Permission of instructor approval will be granted by the instructor during pre-registration through the Electronic Portfolio. Click "Add to My Courses" and "To request a POI electronically, click here" to submit your request. |
Drop/Add Enrollment Requests | | | | | |
Total Submitted Requests: 13 | 1st Ranked: 0 | 2nd Ranked: 0 | 3rd Ranked: 0 | 4th Ranked: 1 | Unranked: 12 |