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Contemporary Theater: Theories and Aesthetics

THEA 302
Spring 2018
Section: 01  
Certificates: Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory

By examining key moments in Western theater history, this course explores the active relationship between theoretical thought and aesthetic innovation on stage. We reconstruct these moments by relying on a variety of documents and media, including, but not limited to, theater on film, play texts, documentaries, scholarly articles, manifestos, and reviews. The course highlights the ways in which such groundbreaking works represent dynamic, diverse, and cumulative ruptures with the mainstream and ultimately shape how we see and create theater today. The Theater Department organizes a variety of performances for students enrolled in its courses. Field trips to see performances off campus are integrated into course syllabi. Instructors will notify students of all dates at the beginning of the semester and costs for all course field trips are covered (specifically, transportation to and from the performance and tickets). Any potential scheduling conflicts for field trips should be discussed with faculty members. Once students indicate that they are going and tickets are purchased, it is assumed they will attend. (Students backing out of field trips they had said they would attend will be asked to cover the cost of their ticket.) Performances of visitors to Wesleyan's Center for the Arts are integrated into course syllabi and students are required to attend these performances unless otherwise negotiated with instructors. Tickets for performances are available to students at the Box Office in Usdan at the reduced price of $6.00.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA THEA
Course Format: Lecture / DiscussionGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: THEA105 OR THEA150 OR THEA245 OR [THEA199 or ENGL269] OR THEA185
Fulfills a Requirement for: (CSCT)(THEA)
Past Enrollment Probability: 75% - 89%

Last Updated on FEB-15-2025
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