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Critical Queer Studies
AMST 201
Fall 2008
Section: 01  

This juniior colloquium will give you a critical introduction to Queer Studies as a mode of theory and a cultural practice. "Queer" describes sexualities, genders and other social positionalities that fall outside normative identities. However, as Queer Studies has been institutionalized in the academy, in popular culture, and in contemporary political movements, many suggest that today, "queer" shorthands gay and lesbian (or LGBTGTSQ...), is too easily co-optable (e.g. "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"), or that Queer Studies' construction of the body, desire, and sexuality effaces or ignores crucial material conditions, bodily experiences, power/inequality, or cultural difference.

This course, designated as an advanced, reading-intensive seminar, will address these tensions. After a brief exploration of some of the foundational works in Queer Theory, we will focus on the relationships--and disagreements--between queer studies and other modes of theory designed to illuminate and critique various forms of power, marginality, privilege, and normativity. Each day of our course will be organized around a central debate in the field of Queer Studies: Histories // Science of Sex; Queer // Feminism; Queer // Critical Race Studies; Queer // Transgender; Queer // Disability Studies; Queer Commodity // Capitalism; Queer Cultures // Diasporas; Queer Politics; Queer Citizenship // Queer Nationalism; and Queer Futures // Queer Times, ending with a consideration of What's Queer about Queer Studies now?

Throughout we will ask: what kinds of experiences, bodies, performances and desires does "queer" describe? What are the politics of "queer"? What are the promises of queer theory, according to its proponents? What are the perils of queer theory, according to its critics? What is the meaning of queer activism and politics today? What is the future of queer?

Essential Capabilities: Speaking, Writing
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS AMST
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (AMST)(CSCT)(FGSS)
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on FEB-18-2025
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