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Representations of Men, Women and Gender in China
ALIT 234
Spring 2013
Section: 01  
Crosslisting: EAST 234

This course explores the multifarious representations of men, women, and gender in literature, visual arts, philosophical texts, and historical narratives. It aims to provide an interdisciplinary reflection on conceptions of men, women, and gender: how they were created and transformed in history, how they reflect the power relations between men and women, and how they have further influenced the performance of gender in daily life.
Works discussed in this course include the Book of Songs, "Rhapsody on the Gaotang Shrine," "The Prose Poem of the Beautiful Woman," the Palace Style Poetry, "The Story of Yingying," The Peony Pavilion, Feng Menglong's collection of erotic poetry, "Sinking," Madame Mao and the Revolutionary Model plays, and Eat Drink Man Woman.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA AL&L
Course Format: Lecture / DiscussionGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: (CEAS-MN)
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on SEP-18-2024
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