Advanced Research in Adolescent Racial Identity and Resistance
PSYC 376
Spring 2022
| Section:
Students in this advanced research course will contribute to ongoing research studies in the area of adolescent ethnic-racial identity and sociopolitical development. Students will be introduced to community- and school-based research methods with marginalized youth and families. Students will contribute to different aspects of the research such as literature reviews, collecting and analyzing qualitative and/or quantitative data, data management, and manuscript preparation. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Laboratory Course | Grading Mode: |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: (HRAD-MN)(PSYC) |
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available |
Major Readings: Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
Sample of selection of readings include: Anyiwo, N., Palmer, G. J., Garrett, J. M., Starck, J. G., & Hope, E. C. (2020). RACIAL AND POLITICAL RESISTANCE: AN EXAMINATION OF THE SOCIOPOLITICAL ACTION OF RACIALLY MARGINALIZED YOUTH. Current Opinion in Psychology, 35, 86-91. Freire, P. (1996). PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED (revised). New York: Continuum. Mathews, C. J., Medina, M. A., Bañales, J., Pinetta, B. J., Marchand, A. D., Agi, A. C., Miller, S.M., Hoffman, A.J., Diemer, M.A., & Rivas-Drake, D. (2019). MAPPING THE INTERSECTIONS OF ADOLESCENTS' ETHNIC-RACIAL IDENTITY AND CRITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Adolescent Research Review, 1-17. Rivas-Drake, D., Syed, M., Umaña-Taylor, A., Markstrom, C., French, S., Schwartz, S. J., & Lee, R. (2014). FEELING GOOD, HAPPY, AND PROUD: A META-ANALYSIS OF POSITIVE ETHNIC-RACIAL AFFECT AND ADJUSTMENT. Child Development, 85(1), 77-102.
Examinations and Assignments: Attendance and participation, presentation, final paper. |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments: In addition to submitting a POI request electronically, students must email the instructor with their class year, (intended) major(s), relevant coursework, prior research experiences (if any) or other relevant experience, and a brief explanation as to why they would like to take this course during the first days of pre-registration period. Applications may be followed by a brief interview with the instructor. |
Instructor(s): Negrete,Andrea Times: ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; Location: JUDD113; |
Permission of Instructor Required Enrollment capacity: 10 | Permission of instructor approval will be granted by the instructor during pre-registration through the Electronic Portfolio. Click "Add to My Courses" and "To request a POI electronically, click here" to submit your request. |
Drop/Add Enrollment Requests | | | | | |
Total Submitted Requests: 2 | 1st Ranked: 0 | 2nd Ranked: 0 | 3rd Ranked: 1 | 4th Ranked: 0 | Unranked: 1 |