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Knowing the Natural World (FYS)

Fall 2023
Section: 01  
Course Cluster and Certificates: Sustainability and Environmental Justice

As humans we interact with the natural world through a wide array of perspectives. Nature is an adversary, a food pantry and medicine cabinet, a force to be reckoned with, mimicked, managed and revered. This course will explore various ways that humans experience and understand the natural world through a series of sensory, scientific, intellectual and creative investigations (some outdoors), and reflection and synthesis. Topics include the human biology that shapes our views (e.g., sensory systems), ecological interactions, land development and conservation, environmental assessment, biomimicry, food production and diversity, wildlife interactions, aesthetic and spiritual appreciation, and sustainability.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: NSM ENVS
Course Format: DiscussionGrading Mode: Student Option
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (ENVS-MN)(ENVS)
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on SEP-20-2024
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