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An Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals
DANC 303
Fall 2007
Section: 01  

The focus of this course is to learn the basic theories and principles of human movement developed by Rudolf Laban that includes historical background; the theoretical frameworks of body, shape, effort, and space; and
Labanotation (a written language for describing movement). This course will also include an introduction to the work of Irmgard Bartenieff that focuses on psychophysical connectivity to facilitate efficiency and expressivity in
movement. The material will be introduced through observation, improvisation, exploration, composition, readings, group discussions, and movement assignments as both a methodology for observing/describing the structural and
qualitative aspects of human movement and a means of identifying personal movement preferences to introduce a greater range of functional and expressive movement. Laban movement analysis can be applied to and provide insight into the study of history, anthropology, psychology, theater, physical therapy, and education as well as dance performance, choreography, teaching, and scholarship.

Essential Capabilities: None
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA DANC
Course Format: StudioGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: None
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on SEP-08-2024
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