European Architecture to 1750
ARHA 151
Spring 2014 not offered
MDST 151 |
Course Cluster: Christianity Studies, Urban Studies |
This course is an introduction to architecture and related visual art as an expression of premodern European civilizations, from ancient Greece through the early 18th century. The course focus is on analysis of form in architecture and the allied arts. Emphasis is on relationships between issues of style and patronage. In each era, how does architecture help to constitute its society's identity? What is the relationship between style and ideology? How do architects respond to the works of earlier architects, either innovatively or imitatively? How do patrons respond to the works of their predecessors, either locally or distantly? How are works of architecture positioned within those structures of power that the works, in turn, help to define? How do monuments celebrate selected aspects of history and suppress others? How were the major buildings configured, spatially and materially? Lectures, readings, and discussions address such questions, with each class focused on the visual culture of specific sites at different scales (urban form, architecture, object, and image). Emphasis will be on continuities and distinctions between works across time, seeing Western traditions as a totality over centuries. Lectures and readings convey different historiographic approaches to these issues. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Lecture / Discussion | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: (ARHA-MN)(ARHA)(ARST)(IDEA-MN)(MDST-MN)(MDST)(MDST-Art/Arch)(MDST-History)(MDST-Lang/Lit)(MDST-Phil/Reli) |
Major Readings:
Text Book Information [First title is a required text; others optional and/or on e-reserve.]
Marvin Trachtenberg and Isabel Hyman, ARCHITECTURE, FROM PREHISTORY TO POSTMODERNISM [ISBN: ISBN-10: 0131830651] Frank Ching, AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF ARCHITECTURE [0471288217] Robin R. Rhodes, ARCHITECTURE AND MEANING ON THE ATHENIAN ACROPOLIS [0521469813] William MacDonald, THE PANTHEON [0674010191] Roger Stalley, EARLY MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE [0192842234] Otto Von Simson, THE GOTHIC CATHEDRAL [0691018677] Peter Murray, ARCHITECTURE OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE [0805210822] Rudolf Wittkower, ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN ITALY 1600-1750 [0300078897] Robert W. Berger, A ROYAL PASSION: LOUIS XIV AS PATRON OF ARCHITECTURE [0521586445] John Summerson,ARCHITECTURE IN BRITAIN, 1500-1830, 9thed. [0300058861]
Examinations and Assignments: Three short papers, two in-class exams and a final. |
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