Jews under Christianity and Islam: Borders, Boundaries, and Coexistence
HIST 301
Spring 2008 not offered
RELI 290, MDST 301 |
Certificates: Jewish and Israel Studies |
Course Cluster: Christianity Studies, Jewish and Israel Studies |
This course will focus on the relationship between legal, religious, and real-life interaction between different religious groups. We will explore how mutual attitudes of Jews, Christians, and Muslims have been shaped throughout centuries from the rise of these religious groups through the premodern period. We will examine how each religious tradition constructed the "other" and sought to create boundaries to prevent intermixing and religious corruption while at the same time dealing with real-life issues of daily contact. We will try to find answers to the following questions: What was the Jews' attitude toward non-Jews? How did Jews fare in Christian and Muslim traditions? We will also discuss the relationship between religious ideals present in sacred texts and prescriptive literature of each tradition and historical reality of every-day life: Were all the laws applied to daily intercourse? Students will be exposed to a wide range of primary sources. Secondary sources will be used to illustrate current scholarly debates on the topics relevant to the course. We will read considerable sections of the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, the Qur`an, the Talmud, the Church fathers, and later works, including rabbinic responsa, polemical works, and legal documents. |
Essential Capabilities:
None |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Seminar | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (HIST-MN)(HIST)(MDST)(MDST-Art/Arch)(MDST-History)(MDST-Lang/Lit)(MDST-Phil/Reli) |