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The Historical Evolution of Power and the Human Psyche
HIST 392
Spring 2007 not offered

In History 392 we will study the evolution of imperial power through several disciplinary lenses. The history texts examine the escalating arms races among mainly European powers and the United States. European and North American imperialism shaped the modern world. The arms races and mobilizations of vast armies eventually had several paradoxical consequences, as did the economic integration of the globe under European and U.S. expansion. We will study how empires produced projects of liberation and, conversely, how revolutionary liberation projects turned into empires. On the psychohistorical side we will explore theories about the psychological dynamics of groups underlying various kinds of human pseudo-speciation. In connection with group dynamics and pseudo-speciation, we will examine paranoid political movements and their expression in different historical settings. Students will select topics in fields of their interest, present their ongoing work to the seminar toward the end of the semester, and produce a research paper.

Essential Capabilities: Speaking, Writing
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS HIST
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: None

Last Updated on SEP-13-2024
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