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Introduction to Feminist Science Studies (FGSS Gateway)
FGSS 241
Fall 2007 not offered
Crosslisting: SISP 241

This gateway class will map the evolution of feminist science studies from the early 20th century to the present. Students will be asked to think through the connections between biological and social explanations for gender and sexuality and will read both primary and secondary material in multiple areas of feminist science studies. The course will also examine the relation of contemporary feminist science studies to the broader field of science and technology studies and will consider its interventions in terms of race and class, as well as gender and sexuality.

Essential Capabilities: None
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS FGSS
Course Format: Lecture / DiscussionGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: None

Last Updated on SEP-18-2024
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