Ways of Reading: Reading Encounters: Gifts, Debts, and Promises
Fall 2013 not offered
"Ways of Reading" introduces students to the characteristics thought of as literary and the methods for studying them. This is a gateway course into the English major, and only one of the ENGL201 series may be taken for credit. "Ways of Reading" courses develop strategies for careful and close reading, and techniques for the analysis of literary forms such as poetry, drama, and prose narratives such as novels and short stories. They familiarize students with some of the protocols of the literary-critical essay, examine the idea of literature as a social institution, and explore ways of connecting textual details and the world beyond the text. The ways of reading learned in the course are powerful tools for critically assessing discourses that expand far beyond the realm of literature. So while students will become adept literary critics, they also will learn quickly that to be a literary critic is to read critically and carefully all the time: in poems, novels, and plays; but also in political speech, in popular culture, and in the discourses that shape everyday life.
This course will offer an introduction to the formal study of literature. Our discussion will be oriented by a consideration of poems, plays, and novels that address the bonds created among people by the exchange of gifts, promises,and debts. We will consider the way changing ideas about such bonds have been represented in literary texts and the way such ideas have affected our understanding of literature. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Lecture / Discussion | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (ENGL) |
Major Readings:
Required Texts May Include: Course Poetry Packet Robert Pinsky, THE SOUNDS OF POETRY: A BRIEF GUIDE William Shakespeare, THE TEMPEST Aimeé Césaire, A TEMPEST Julie Taymor's THE TEMPEST (with Helen Mirren as "Prospera") Herman Melville, BENITO CERENO Catharine Maria Sedgwick, "Cacoethes Scribendi" Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Yellow Wallpaper" Nella Larsen, PASSING
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