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Perspectives on Mountaintop Removal: Origins, Techniques, and Impacts

ENVS 331
Spring 2014 not offered
Crosslisting: HIST 331, SISP 331
Certificates: Environmental Studies

This multidisciplinary seminar will examine mountaintop removal mining using several approaches. These include the historical, to examine its development from its origins to the present; geographic, to determine how it changes not just the topology but also networks of traffic and demography; technological, to understand the various technologies this mining practice utilizes; ecological, to explore the broader environmental impact it has locally, regionally, and even more broadly; public health, to determine the impact this practice has on the health of people both near and far from the mining sites themselves; economic, to establish both the benefits and the long-term costs; and literary and artistic, to utilize the creative works that focus on mountaintop removal mining and its consequence. As a final project, students will produce an essay or multimedia project that will become the core of a website that will also include photographs by the instructor. During the first six weeks of the semester, an integral part of the course will be movement workshops led by Eiko Otake, who, with Johnston, has previously co-instructed a course on the history of the atomic bomb. One goal of the movement workshop is to demonstrate how much of our learning process is as much physical as it is mental; another is to integrate course themes through nonverbal learning.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS ENVS
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: None

Last Updated on FEB-15-2025
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