Psychosocial Intervention Trials
PSYC 397
Fall 2014 not offered
This course may be repeated for credit. |
This advanced research methods practicum introduces students to research design, commonly used assessment protocols, and practical and ethical issues that arise in studies testing the efficacy or effectiveness of preventive or therapeutic interventions. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Laboratory Course | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (PSYC) |
Major Readings:
Dickerson JF, Debar L, Perrin NA, et al. HEALTH-SERVICE USE IN WOMEN WITH BINGE EATING DISORDERS. Int J Eat Disord. Oct 26 2010. Eiben G, Lissner L. HEALTH HUNTERS--AN INTERVENTION TO PREVENT OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY IN YOUNG HIGH-RISK WOMEN. Int J Obes (Lond). Apr 2006;30(4):691-696. Fairburn, CG, OVERCOMING BINGE EATING. Guilford Press. Hivert MF, Langlois MF, BĂ©rard P, Cuerrier JP, Carpentier AC. PREVENTION OF WEIGHT GAIN IN YOUNG ADULTS THROUGH A SEMINAR-BASED INTERVENTION PROGRAM. Int J Obes (Lond). 2007;31(8):1262-1269. Hudson, J. I., E. Hiripi, et al. (2007). "THE PREVALENCE AND CORRELATES OF EATING DISORDERS IN THE NATIONAL COMORBIDITY SURVEY REPLICATION." Biol Psychiatry 61(3): 348-358. Jeffery RW, French SA. PREVENTING WEIGHT GAIN IN ADULTS: THE POUND OF PREVENTION STUDY. Am J Public Health. May 1999;89(5):747-751. Kraemer, H. C., A. E. Kazdin, et al. (1997). "COMING TO TERMS WITH THE TERMS OF RISK." Archives of general psychiatry 54(4): 337-343. Levine MD, Klem ML, Kalarchian MA, et al. WEIGHT GAIN PREVENTION AMONG WOMEN. Obesity (Silver Spring). May 2007;15(5):1267-1277. National Institutes of Health. STRATEGIC PLAN FOR NIH OBESITY RESEARCH. Vol 2011. Stice E, Shaw H, Marti CN. A META-ANALYTIC REVIEW OF OBESITY PREVENTION PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: THE SKINNY ON INTERVENTIONS THAT WORK. Psychol Bull. Sep 2006;132(5):667-691. Striegel-Moore, R. H. and C. M. Bulik (2007). "RISK FACTORS FOR EATING DISORDERS." The American psychologist 62(3): 181-198. Swanson, S. A., S. J. Crow, et al. (2011). "PREVALENCE AND CORRELATES OF EATING DISORDERS IN ADOLESCENTS: RESULTS FROM THE NATIONAL COMORBIDITY SURVEY REPLICATION ADOLESCENT SUPPLEMENT." Arch Gen Psychiatry. Wilson GT, Wilfley DE, Agras WS, Bryson SW. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENTS OF BINGE EATING DISORDER. Arch Gen Psychiatry. Jan 2010;67(1):94-101. Additional readings will be assigned based on ongoing research in the lab.
Examinations and Assignments: Four oral presentations of research papers illustrating successful resolution of a major research challenge or ethical problem encountered in intervention studies. Proficiency in one assessment or intervention technique being used in ongoing research in the Striegel lab, based on audio-taped sessions reviewed by expert raters. |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments: Interested students should email the instructor ( |
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