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Time, Masks, Mirrors: Aging in America

SOC 313
Spring 2017 not offered
Course Cluster: Health Studies

Longevity is almost universally wished for, but its actual accomplishment may also invite fear, even dread, depending on the context in which it occurs. We will study the sociocultural meanings of aging in the U.S. as they are informed by history (collective and personal), cultural background, social scripts, caregiving relationships, institutional support/constraint, and current conceptualizations of the life course and the "aging" mind and body that often rely heavily on categorization and vocabulary associated with biomedicine. Enrolled students will have the opportunity to develop and complete an individual or group research project investigating a specific question related to the meanings of aging using interview/story as a primary source, with an introduction to qualitative methods of analysis and interpretation.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS SOC
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (SOC)

Last Updated on FEB-09-2025
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