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Democracy and Social Movements in East Asia
CEAS 205
Spring 2024
Section: 01  
Crosslisting: GOVT 281

Despite East Asia's reputation for acquiescent populations and weak civil society, the region has been replete with social movements. This course assesses the state of civil society in East Asia by surveying contemporary social movements in the region. We will examine the rise of civil society and its role in political and social changes in both authoritarian and democratic societies in East Asia.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS CEAS
Course Format: Lecture / DiscussionGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: (CEAS-MN)(CEAS)(CEAS-Polit Econ)(CGST-MN)(EDST)(GOVT)(GOVT-Comparativ)(HRAD-MN)
Past Enrollment Probability: 75% - 89%

Last Updated on SEP-16-2024
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