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Patricelli Center Fellowship II

CSPL 265
Spring 2019
Section: 01  
This course may be repeated for credit.
Certificates: Civic Engagement

The Patricelli Center Fellowship is a one-year, project-based, cohort-style learning experience. Fellows are a self-selected, committed, and diverse cohort of individuals or teams from all classes and majors who are passionate about innovation, creativity, and problem-solving; identify as entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, changemakers, activists, disruptors, designers, inventors, and/or thought leaders; and have tenacity, empathy, interdisciplinary thinking, strong work ethic, and the ability to work independently. Some Fellows will launch or run their own project or venture, while others will not.

Patricelli Center Fellows actively participate in two cohort meetings per week: some are "classes" that take the form of lectures or workshops, and some are "labs" that serve as working or discussion sessions. Fellows also dedicate 10+ additional hours per week to assignments, self-directed work, portfolio-building, and engaging other members of the Wesleyan community.

This course will feel like a combination of a Wesleyan class, a C-level position on a startup team, and an extra-curricular leadership activity. By enrolling, Fellows make a commitment to themselves, the instructor, and the other members of their cohort.
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS CSPL
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Credit/Unsatisfactory
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: CSPL264
Fulfills a Major Requirement for: (CIVI-MN)
Past Enrollment Probability: Not Available

Last Updated on SEP-13-2024
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