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Waiting: Bodies, Time, Necropolitics
FGSS 329
Spring 2019 not offered

This interdisciplinary course draws from social theory, gender studies, medical anthropology, disability studies and science studies to address the social stratification of time in corporeal terms. Many theorists have described the 21st century as marked by acceleration; this course addresses its counterpoint: the slow, interminable wait, the being made-to-wait, and the socially structured scenes and experiences of waiting. How can we understanding waiting in the city emergency room for the mentally ill immigrant? What is it in the gender transition clinic? The polluted, toxic neighborhood? The refugee camp? We will begin by surveying multiple frameworks through which we can theorize time and its suspension. We will then focus on experiences of waiting in intersectional terms, that is, in relation to gender and sexuality, race, class, and dis/ability. We will explore how practices that produce life, health, and well-being (biopolitics) can also be necropolitical, when attention, care, or action is given to some, but prolonged or suspended for others. Readings will include works on necropolitical theory (Georigo Agamben, Achille Mbembe), medical and state subordination and abandonment (Javier Auyero, Joao Biehl), and queer and crip time (Lee Edleman, Elizabeth Freeman, Alison Kafer). We will explore a wide range of experiences of waiting, from those related to cancer diagnosis (Sarah Jain), gender assignment surgery (Alexandre Baril), to environmental toxicity (Michelle Murphy) and asylum seeking (Jennifer Bagelman).
Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA FGSS
Course Format: SeminarGrading Mode: Graded
Level: UGRD Prerequisites: None
Fulfills a Requirement for: (STS)

Last Updated on FEB-06-2025
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