Richard Wright and Company
ENGL 298
Fall 2019 not offered
AFAM 298 |
This course offers an in-depth consideration of the work and career of Richard Wright, a defining figure in 20th-century African American literature, and seeks to understand Wright's interactions with a wide array of mentors, proteges, and enemies. By placing Wright amid the network of supporters, admirers, and detractors who surrounded him, we will gain a deepened understanding of Wright's development and a useful map of 20th-century African American literary expression and American literary history more broadly. Writers to be covered in the course may include, along with Wright, Hannah Arendt, James Baldwin,Gwendolyn Brooks, Horace Cayton, Ralph Ellison, James T. Farrell, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Chester Himes, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Alain Locke, Gertrude Stein, Margaret Walker, John Williams, and Frank Yerby. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Seminar | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: None |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (ENGL)(ENGL-Literature) |
Major Readings:
Majors Readings: works by Richard Wright, Hannah Arendt, James Baldwin, Gwendolyn Brooks, Horace Cayton, Harold Cruse, Chester Himes, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Alain Locke, Gertrude Stein, Margaret Walker, John Williams, and others
Examinations and Assignments: Exams/Assignments: several short essays and a research project |
Additional Requirements and/or Comments: Additional Requirements: This course fulfills the Literatures of Difference requirement and contributes to the American Literature and Race & Ethnicity concentrations of the English Major. |
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