QAC 320
Spring 2025
| Section:
Course Cluster and Certificates: Applied Data Science Certificate |
Understanding and modeling the past allows us to extract insights in our areas of study that are not possible to extract without time series data. This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of time series analysis. We will learn to identify and model the components of a time series process, and to properly model relationships among variables over time. By emphasizing the practical applications of time series analysis, the course will give students an opportunity to further develop computational skills and learn how to develop forecasting models, and to make inference using time series data. |
Credit: 1 |
Gen Ed Area Dept:
Course Format: Laboratory | Grading Mode: Graded |
Level: UGRD |
Prerequisites: ECON300 OR QAC201 |
Fulfills a Requirement for: (CADS)(DATA-MN)(IDEA-COMP)(PSYC) |
Past Enrollment Probability: 90% or above |
Instructor(s): Gooyabadi,Maryam Times: ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; Location: PAC004; |
Total Enrollment Limit: 16 | | SR major: 0 | JR major: 0 |   |   |
Seats Available: 7 | GRAD: X | SR non-major: 7 | JR non-major: 6 | SO: 3 | FR: 0 |
Drop/Add Enrollment Requests | | | | | |
Total Submitted Requests: 1 | 1st Ranked: 0 | 2nd Ranked: 0 | 3rd Ranked: 0 | 4th Ranked: 0 | Unranked: 1 |