BIOL106-01 | The Biology of Sex | Powzyk,Joyce Ann ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE141; |
BIOL106-02 | The Biology of Sex | Powzyk,Joyce Ann ..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SHAN201; |
BIOL131-01 | Service-Learning Clinical Experience at Connecticut Valley Hospital | Donady,J. James ....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; TBA |
BIOL140-01 | Classic Studies in Animal Behavior | Powzyk,Joyce Ann ...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; SHAN201; |
BIOL140-02 | Classic Studies in Animal Behavior | Powzyk,Joyce Ann ...W.F. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE113; |
BIOL181-01 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | McAlear,Michael A. .M.W... 11:00AM-11:50AM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; HALL84; HALL84; |
BIOL181-02 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | McAlear,Michael A. .M.W... 11:00AM-11:50AM; .....F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; HALL84; SCIE113; |
BIOL181-03 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Weir,Michael P. .M.W... 10:00AM-10:50AM; .....F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; HALL84; HALL84; |
BIOL181-04 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Weir,Michael P. .M.W... 10:00AM-10:50AM; .....F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
BIOL181-05 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Johnson,Ruth Ineke .M.W... 10:00AM-10:50AM; .....F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE121; PAC125; |
BIOL181-06 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Johnson,Ruth Ineke .M.W... 10:00AM-10:50AM; .....F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; SCIE121; SCIE141; |
BIOL181-07 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Lane,Robert P. .M.W... 10:00AM-10:50AM; .....F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE405; SCIE405; |
BIOL181-08 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Lane,Robert P. .M.W... 10:00AM-10:50AM; .....F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; SCIE405; SCIE139; |
BIOL181-09 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Oliver,Donald B. .M.W... 11:00AM-11:50AM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SHAN107; SCIE139; |
BIOL181-10 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Oliver,Donald B. .M.W... 11:00AM-11:50AM; .....F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; SHAN107; SCIE139; |
BIOL181-11 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Doris,Rosemarie .M.W... 11:00AM-11:50AM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE141; SCIE141; |
BIOL181-12 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Doris,Rosemarie .M.W... 11:00AM-11:50AM; .....F. 12:00PM-12:50PM; SCIE141; SCIE141; |
BIOL181-13 | Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity | Coolon,Joseph David .M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE113; |
BIOL191-01 | Principles of Biology I--Laboratory | Doris,Rosemarie .M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84; |
BIOL191-02 | Principles of Biology I--Laboratory | Doris,Rosemarie ..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84; |
BIOL191-03 | Principles of Biology I--Laboratory | Doris,Rosemarie ...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84; |
BIOL191-04 | Principles of Biology I--Laboratory | Doris,Rosemarie .M..... 06:30PM-09:20PM; HALL84; |
BIOL191-05 | Principles of Biology I--Laboratory | Doris,Rosemarie ....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84; |
BIOL197-01 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | Poulos,Helen Mills .M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; SCIE121; |
BIOL213-01 | Behavioral Neurobiology | Kurtz,Matthew M. Aaron,Gloster B. ..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SHAN107; |
BIOL220-01 | Conservation Biology | Singer,Michael ...W.F. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SHAN201; |
BIOL224-01 | Hormones, Brain, and Behavior | Kirn,John ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SHAN201; |
BIOL224-02 | Hormones, Brain, and Behavior | Kirn,John ..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SHAN201; |
BIOL239-01 | Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain | de Lanerolle,Nihal C. .M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; SCIE139; |
BIOL247-01 | Laboratory in Neurophysiology | Bodznick,David ...W... 01:00PM-04:00PM; TBA; HALL290; ; |
BIOL252-01 | Cell Biology of the Neuron | Treloar,Helen B. ...W.F. 08:30AM-09:50AM; SCIE113; |
BIOL290-01 | Plant Form and Diversity | Sultan,Sonia ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN201; |
BIOL327-01 | Evolutionary and Ecological Bioinformatics | Cohan,Frederick M. Krizanc,Daniel ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE141; |
BIOL340-01 | Issues in Development and Evolution | Burke,Ann Campbell ..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; ALLB304; |
BIOL343-01 | Muscle and Nerve Development | Devoto,Stephen H. ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN314; |
BIOL353-01 | Neurobiology of Neurological Disorders | Treloar,Helen B. ..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE113; |
BIOL353-02 | Neurobiology of Neurological Disorders | Treloar,Helen B. ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE113; |
BIOL353-03 | Neurobiology of Neurological Disorders | Treloar,Helen B. ..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE113; |
BIOL500-01 | Graduate Pedagogy | Burke,Ann Campbell ....R.. 06:00PM-07:30PM; ALLB304; |
BIOL500-02 | Graduate Pedagogy | Burke,Ann Campbell ....R.. 06:00PM-07:30PM; ALLB304; |
BIOL500-03 | Graduate Pedagogy | Burke,Ann Campbell ....R.. 06:00PM-07:30PM; ALLB304; |
BIOL505-01 | Cell and Development Journal Club I | Devoto,Stephen H. Johnson,Ruth Ineke Weir,Michael P. Coolon,Joseph David .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE92; |
BIOL507-01 | Evolution Journal Club I | Burke,Ann Campbell Cohan,Frederick M. Singer,Michael Sultan,Sonia ..T.... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SHAN314; |
BIOL509-01 | Neuroscience Journal Club I | Aaron,Gloster B. Bodznick,David Kirn,John .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SHAN314; |
BIOL527-01 | Evolutionary and Ecological Bioinformatics | Cohan,Frederick M. Krizanc,Daniel ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE141; |
BIOL540-01 | Issues in Development and Evolution | Burke,Ann Campbell ..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; ALLB304; |
BIOL543-01 | Muscle and Nerve Development | Devoto,Stephen H. ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN314; |
MB&B208-01 | Molecular Biology | MacQueen,Amy .M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SHAN107; |