WesMaps - Fall 2011 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CCIV
CCIV112Three Great Myths: Prometheus, Persephone, and Dionysus
CCIV122Alexander the Great: History and Legend
CCIV150Ancient Rome: From Hut Village to Imperial Capital
CCIV170Rome and the Caesars
CCIV202Greek Drama
CCIV204Introduction to Archaeology
CCIV214Survey of Greek Archaeology
CCIV225Medicine and Health in Antiquity
CCIV231Greek History
CCIV232Roman History
CCIV234Art and Society in Ancient Pompeii
CCIV245Archaeology of Greek Cult
CCIV267Love and Emotion in Ancient Greek Philosophy
CCIV271Roman Self-Fashioning: Poets and Philosophers, Lovers and Friends
CCIV275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
CCIV281Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek Culture
CCIV285Museums, Cultural Heritage, and Classical Archaeology
CCIV304Medieval Archaeology
CCIV329Roman Villa Life
CCIV393Reading Theories

Spring 2012 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CCIV
CCIV112Three Great Myths: Prometheus, Persephone, and Dionysus
CCIV117Eros the Bittersweet: Love and Desire in Classical Antiquity
CCIV120In a Manner of Speaking: An Introduction to Classical Rhetoric
CCIV122Alexander the Great: History and Legend
CCIV150Ancient Rome: From Hut Village to Imperial Capital
CCIV202Greek Drama
CCIV204Introduction to Archaeology
CCIV205Introduction to Classical Mythology
CCIV212Politics and Piety in Early Christianities
CCIV214Survey of Greek Archaeology
CCIV216The Archaic Age: The Art and Archaeology of Early Greece
CCIV217Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western Philosophy
CCIV221Law and Order in Ancient Rome
CCIV225Medicine and Health in Antiquity
CCIV227The Age of Augustus
CCIV234Art and Society in Ancient Pompeii
CCIV235Youth and Adolescence in Ancient Rome
CCIV243Holy Moses! Exodus in the Jewish, Christian, and African American Traditions
CCIV245Archaeology of Greek Cult
CCIV267Love and Emotion in Ancient Greek Philosophy
CCIV275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
CCIV279Rome in the Near East
CCIV295The Athenian Enlightenment: The Birth of Philosophy in 5th-Century Athens
CCIV304Medieval Archaeology
CCIV329Roman Villa Life

Last Updated on FEB-11-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459