WesMaps - Fall 2021 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CEAS
CEAS157FLegacies of WWII in Postwar Japan (FYS)
CEAS158FLiterary Pop Culture: The Tale of Genji and The Story of the Stone (FYS)
CEAS160Social and Political Changes in Korea
CEAS180Japan Rocks: Music in/as Contemporary Japanese Studies
CEAS181Chinese Pop Culture
CEAS185Introduction to Japanese History: A Manga Artist's Life in 20th-Century Japan
CEAS203Faces of Korea
CEAS204Chinese Media in Chinese: Star, Fandom, and Identity
CEAS205Democracy and Social Movements in East Asia
CEAS207Foundations of East Asian Cultures
CEAS208Modern Chinese Literature
CEAS211Food in Japanese Media (CLAC.25)
CEAS215The Legacy of World War II in Postwar Japan
CEAS216History of Japanese Cinema
CEAS217Samurai: Imagining, Performing Japanese Identity
CEAS217FWho is the Dalai Lama? (FYS)
CEAS221Introduction to Premodern Chinese Literature
CEAS222China as Scientific Powerhouse
CEAS224Modern China: States, Transnations, Individuals, and Worlds
CEAS229Performing Indonesia
CEAS231Introduction to Asian American Literature
CEAS232Introduction to Chinese Film
CEAS234Modern Korea in Film and Fiction
CEAS241Visualizing Japanese-ness: Transnational Cinema in Modern Japan
CEAS248South Korean Cinema: Re/imagining Modern History on Screen
CEAS252Global Philosophy
CEAS255Irreducible Distance: Japan-Korea Relations through Literature and Visual Media
CEAS256Neo-Confucian Philosophy
CEAS257Japanese Philosophy
CEAS259Popular Music in Reform China
CEAS260From Archipelago to Nation State: An Introduction to Japanese History and Culture
CEAS262Human Rights Across Cultures
CEAS263China's Economic Transformation
CEAS268Music and Modernity in China, Japan, and Korea
CEAS271Political Economy of Developing Countries
CEAS272Disease and Health in Modern Asia
CEAS274Pirates, Traders, and Colonial Settlers in Maritime East Asia
CEAS279The Making of Modern Japan, 1500 to Present
CEAS285Pop Music Revolutionaries in Modern Japan
CEAS295In Search of the Good Life in Premodern Japan
CEAS296Japanese Politics
CEAS301Modern China and the World Since 1945
CEAS310CEAS Senior Seminar
CEAS320Literature and Media in China: From Inscriptions to Print Culture to New Media
CEAS327Progressive Confucianism and Its Critics
CEAS334Native Matters: Materiality in Indigenous Literatures Across the Pacific
CEAS338Comparative Political Philosophy
CEAS343Tibetan Religion
CEAS346Contemporary East Asian Cinema
CEAS363Microfoundations of Growth in China
CEAS381Relic and Image: The Archaeology and Social History of Indian Buddhism
CEAS384Japan's Nuclear Disasters
CEAS385Legacies of Authoritarian Politics
CEAS390Politics and Society in Japanese Women's Writing
CEAS395From Fascism to Fukushima: Navigating the Everyday in Modern Japan
CHIN102Chinese Character Writing
CHIN104Elementary Chinese II
CHIN206Intermediate Chinese II
CHIN230Contemporary Society in China
CHIN301A Glance at Chinese Literature and Culture
CHIN351Classical Chinese Philosophy: Chinese Lab (CLAC.50)
JAPN104Elementary Japanese II
JAPN206Intermediate Japanese II
JAPN218Third-Year Japanese II
JAPN220Fourth-Year Japanese: Advanced Japanese through Contemporary Fiction, Essays, and News Reports
JAPN229Debating Japan and the World in Japanese
KREA154Elementary Korean II
KREA206Intermediate Korean II
KREA255Modern History and Culture of Korea: From Imperialism to Two Koreas (CLAC.50)

Spring 2022 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CEAS
CEAS202Narrating China: Introduction to 20th- and 21st-Century Chinese Literature
CEAS204Chinese Media in Chinese: Star, Fandom, and Identity
CEAS206Korean Politics Through Film
CEAS210From Tea to Connecticut Rolls: Defining Japanese Culture Through Food
CEAS212Introduction to Korean Cinema
CEAS215The Legacy of World War II in Postwar Japan
CEAS221Introduction to Premodern Chinese Literature
CEAS222China as Scientific Powerhouse
CEAS223Traditional China: Eco-civilization and Its Discontents
CEAS225Introduction to Chinese Poetry
CEAS226Japan and the Atomic Bomb: History, Myths, and Mysteries
CEAS231Introduction to Asian American Literature
CEAS233Transnational China: Writing and Screening Chinese Immigration
CEAS238Wartime Film Culture in the Japanese Empire
CEAS243Theater/Drama Traditions of China and Japan
CEAS244Delicious Movement: Time Is Not Even, Space Is Not Empty
CEAS254Breaking the Waves: The Japanese and French New Wave Cinemas and Their Legacy
CEAS255Irreducible Distance: Japan-Korea Relations through Literature and Visual Media
CEAS259Popular Music in Reform China
CEAS261Classical Chinese Philosophy
CEAS262Human Rights Across Cultures
CEAS263China's Economic Transformation
CEAS264Modern Chinese Philosophy
CEAS265Japan Since 1868: Society and Culture in Modern Japanese History
CEAS266Modern Korean Women's Literature and Film
CEAS267Philosophy and Culture of Traditional Korea
CEAS268Music and Modernity in China, Japan, and Korea
CEAS269Chinese Cities
CEAS272Disease and Health in Modern Asia
CEAS274Pirates, Traders, and Colonial Settlers in Maritime East Asia
CEAS278Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Narrative
CEAS279The Making of Modern Japan, 1500 to Present
CEAS280Losers of World War II
CEAS282Place and Space in Literary Hangzhou
CEAS284Buddhist Art and Architecture in East Asia
CEAS290Unearthing Early China: Art and Archaeology
CEAS295In Search of the Good Life in Premodern Japan
CEAS296Japanese Politics
CEAS297Chinese Politics
CEAS300Storytelling in Japan's Empire (and its Aftermaths)
CEAS302Minority Voices in Japanese Film and Literature
CEAS327Progressive Confucianism and Its Critics
CEAS340Reading Theories
CEAS343Tibetan Religion
CEAS355Between Asia and Asian America
CEAS361After Orientalism: Asian American Literature and Theory After 2000
CEAS362Sumi-e Painting II
CEAS381Relic and Image: The Archaeology and Social History of Indian Buddhism
CEAS384Japan's Nuclear Disasters
CEAS385Legacies of Authoritarian Politics
CEAS460Introduction to Sumi-e Painting
CEAS461Alternative Printmaking: Beginning Japanese Woodblock Technique
CHIN101Chinese Character Writing
CHIN102Chinese Character Writing
CHIN103Elementary Chinese I
CHIN105Elementary Chinese for Heritage Learners
CHIN205Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN217Third-Year Chinese I
CHIN221Fourth-Year Chinese I
CHIN223Creative Writing in Chinese
JAPN103Elementary Japanese I
JAPN205Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN217Third-Year Japanese I
JAPN219Fourth-Year Japanese: Conceptualizations of Identity in Contemporary Japan
JAPN230Contemporary Japanese Politics in Japanese
KREA153Elementary Korean I

Last Updated on FEB-11-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459