WesMaps - Fall 2018 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CEC
AFAM307Black Middletown Lives: The Future of Middletown's African American Past
AMST205Junior Colloquium: Sites of the Self: Maps, Gardens, and Houses
AMST250Decolonizing Indigenous Middletown: Native Histories of the Wangunk Indian People
BIOL118Reproduction in the 21st Century
BIOL318Nature and Nurture: The Interplay of Genes and Environment
CHEM242Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students II
CSPL201Foundations of Civic Engagement
CSPL210Money and Social Change: Innovative Paradigms and Strategies
CSPL240Nonprofits and Social Change
CSPL302Senior Seminar for Civic Engagement Certificate
ECON213Economics of Wealth and Poverty
ENVS361Living in a Polluted World
FILM350Contemporary International Art Cinema
GOVT284Comparative Politics of Western Europe
GOVT302Latin American Politics
GOVT343Political Representation
GOVT344Religion and Politics
GOVT355Political Theory and Transitional Justice
GOVT385Women and Politics
GOVT387Foreign Policy at the Movies
GOVT390Presidential Foreign Policy Decision Making
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST220France Since 1870
HIST234The Modern Middle East
HIST237Early North America to 1763
HIST240The United States Since 1901
IDEA250Computational Media: Videogame Design and Development
MUSC463Teaching Music Lessons to Children in Local Schools
NS&B360Neuroplasticity: How Experience Changes the Brain
PHIL212Introduction to Ethics
PHIL214Reasoning About Justice
PHIL271Moral Responsibility: Doubt, Debate, and Dialogue
PHYS105Science of Sustainability
PSYC202Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC206Research Methods in Cognitive Development and Education
PSYC259Discovering the Person
PSYC325Healthy Places: Practice, Policy, and Population Health
PSYC328Current Research in Early Childhood
PSYC329Neural Costs of War
PSYC384Advanced Research in Cognitive Development
SOC239Sociology of Music in Social Movements
SOC250Sociology of Markets
SOC302Paternalism and Social Power
THEA115America in Prison: Theater Behind Bars

Spring 2019 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CEC
AMST335Radio Production and the Politics of Independent Media
ASTR430Seminar on Astronomical Pedagogy
BIOL118Reproduction in the 21st Century
CSPL201Foundations of Civic Engagement
CSPL337Practicing Democracy
E&ES280Introduction to GIS
E&ES281GIS Service-Learning Laboratory
ECON222Public Economics
ENVS361Living in a Polluted World
ENVS376The Artist in the City: Civic Engagement and Community-Based Art-Making in the Urban Landscape
FILM350Contemporary International Art Cinema
GOVT232Campaigns and Elections
GOVT302Latin American Politics
GOVT311United States Foreign Policy
GOVT343Political Representation
GOVT344Religion and Politics
GOVT385Women and Politics
GOVT390Presidential Foreign Policy Decision Making
GRST302Forward, Without Forgetting: The GDR in Literature and Film
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST234The Modern Middle East
HIST237Early North America to 1763
HIST383French Existentialism and Marxism
MUSC102World Music
PHIL271Moral Responsibility: Doubt, Debate, and Dialogue
PHYS105Science of Sustainability
PSYC202Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC206Research Methods in Cognitive Development and Education
PSYC209Research Methods in Ecological-Community Psychology
PSYC220Cognitive Psychology
PSYC259Discovering the Person
PSYC260Social Psychology
PSYC266Psychology of Communities: Identity, Activism, and Social Engagement
PSYC325Healthy Places: Practice, Policy, and Population Health
PSYC328Current Research in Early Childhood
PSYC355Psychology of Reading
PSYC384Advanced Research in Cognitive Development
RELI213Refugees & Exiles: Religion in the Diaspora
RELI221Islam and Muslim Cultures
RELI391Religion and the Social Construction of Race
SOC250Sociology of Markets
SOC302Paternalism and Social Power
SOC313Time, Masks, Mirrors: Aging in America
SOC315The Health of Communities
SOC316Community Research Seminar

Last Updated on SEP-10-2024
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459