WesMaps - Fall 2018 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CES
ANTH232Alter(ed)native Approaches: Middletown Lives
ANTH250Foragers to Farmers: Hunting and Gathering and the Development of Agriculture
ARHA292Archaeology of Food, Trade, and Power in South India
BIOL214MacroEvolution, Pattern and Process
BIOL220Conservation Biology
BIOL226Invasive Species: Biology, Policy, and Management
BIOL290Plant Form and Diversity
BIOL316Plant-Animal Interactions
BIOL318Nature and Nurture: The Interplay of Genes and Environment
BIOL320Quantitative Methods for the Biological and Environmental Sciences
BIOL327Evolutionary and Ecological Bioinformatics
BIOL508Evolution Journal Club II
CHEM387Enzyme Mechanisms
COMP350Computational Media: Videogame Design and Development
E&ES199Introduction to Environmental Science and Sustainability
E&ES223Structural Geology
ENVS201Sophomore Seminar in Environmental Studies
ENVS214Women, Animals, and Nature
ENVS252Industrializations: Commodities in World History
ENVS255Seeing a Bigger Picture: Integrating Environmental History and Visual Studies
ENVS274Water's Past--Water's Future: A History and Archaeology of Water Use and Management
ENVS280Environmental Geochemistry
ENVS281Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory
ENVS285Environmental Law and Policy
ENVS292Techniques in Ocean and Climate Investigations
ENVS300Sustainable Behavior Change
ENVS307The Economy of Nature and Nations
ENVS310The Economics of Sustainable Development, Vulnerability, and Resilience
ENVS347Ethics, Ecology, and Moral Change
ENVS352Energy and Modern Architecture, 1850--2015
ENVS361Living in a Polluted World
ENVS381Japan's Nuclear Disasters
GOVT206Public Policy
GOVT221Environmental Policy
GOVT304Environmental Politics and Democratization
GOVT329International Political Economy
GOVT331International Law
GOVT333International Organization
GOVT344Religion and Politics
HIST135American Food
HIST221History of Ecology
HIST223History of Traditional China
MB&B381Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
MUSC287Performing the Posthuman: Music and Auditory Culture in the Age of Animanities
NS&B254Comparative Animal Behavior
PHIL212Introduction to Ethics
PHIL215Humans, Animals, and Nature
PHIL270Environmental Philosophy
PHYS105Science of Sustainability
PSYC325Healthy Places: Practice, Policy, and Population Health
SISP205Sciences as Social and Cultural Practices

Spring 2019 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CES
ANTH250Foragers to Farmers: Hunting and Gathering and the Development of Agriculture
ANTH268North America Before Columbus
ANTH349The Human Skeleton
ARHA258Contemporary World Architecture
ARHA292Archaeology of Food, Trade, and Power in South India
BIOL173Global Change and Infectious Disease
BIOL220Conservation Biology
BIOL226Invasive Species: Biology, Policy, and Management
BIOL290Plant Form and Diversity
BIOL316Plant-Animal Interactions
BIOL320Quantitative Methods for the Biological and Environmental Sciences
BIOL327Evolutionary and Ecological Bioinformatics
BIOL346The Forest Ecosystem
BIOL507Evolution Journal Club I
CHEM314Environmental Chemistry
CHEM387Enzyme Mechanisms
E&ES199Introduction to Environmental Science and Sustainability
E&ES223Structural Geology
E&ES280Introduction to GIS
E&ES320Meteorites Laboratory
E&ES359Global Climate Change
ECON310Environmental and Resource Economics
ENGL277Race and Ethnicity on the Shakespearean Stage
ENVS214Women, Animals, and Nature
ENVS229Ancient Monuments: Landscape, History, and Memory
ENVS241Labor and Development Economics in Latin America
ENVS252Industrializations: Commodities in World History
ENVS255Seeing a Bigger Picture: Integrating Environmental History and Visual Studies
ENVS274Water's Past--Water's Future: A History and Archaeology of Water Use and Management
ENVS275The American Landscaping in Painting, Literature, Science and the Popular Imagination
ENVS280Environmental Geochemistry
ENVS281Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory
ENVS292Techniques in Ocean and Climate Investigations
ENVS303Ukraine and Its Environment
ENVS305Moral Ecologies and the Anthropology of Vitality
ENVS307The Economy of Nature and Nations
ENVS310The Economics of Sustainable Development, Vulnerability, and Resilience
ENVS313Microbes and Human-Caused Environmental Change
ENVS347Ethics, Ecology, and Moral Change
ENVS353Agricultural Food Webs
ENVS361Living in a Polluted World
ENVS369Ecological Resilience: The Good, the Bad, and the Mindful
ENVS376The Artist in the City: Civic Engagement and Community-Based Art-Making in the Urban Landscape
ENVS381Japan's Nuclear Disasters
GOVT206Public Policy
GOVT221Environmental Policy
GOVT304Environmental Politics and Democratization
GOVT322Global Environmental Politics
GOVT329International Political Economy
GOVT331International Law
GOVT333International Organization
GOVT344Religion and Politics
HIST221History of Ecology
HIST223History of Traditional China
NS&B254Comparative Animal Behavior
PHIL270Environmental Philosophy
PHYS105Science of Sustainability
PSYC325Healthy Places: Practice, Policy, and Population Health
SISP202Philosophy of Science
SISP205Sciences as Social and Cultural Practices
SOC316Community Research Seminar

Last Updated on FEB-16-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459