CHEM102 | Science Information Literacy |
CHEM117 | Human Biochemistry |
CHEM118 | DNA |
CHEM121 | It's a Small World--Atoms and Elements |
CHEM125 | Chemistry and Society |
CHEM132 | Seminars in Physical Science |
CHEM142 | Introductory Chemistry II |
CHEM144 | Principles of Chemistry II |
CHEM198 | Forensics: Science Behind CSI |
CHEM242 | Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students II |
CHEM321 | Biomedicinal Chemistry |
CHEM325 | Introduction to Biomolecular Structure |
CHEM338 | Physical Chemistry II: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics |
CHEM358 | Structure and Mechanism |
CHEM359 | Advanced Organic Synthesis |
CHEM363 | Organometallic Chemistry |
CHEM376 | Integrated Chemistry Laboratory II |
CHEM381 | Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences |
CHEM382 | Practical NMR |
CHEM385 | Advanced Biochemistry: Enzyme Kinetics |
CHEM386 | Biological Thermodynamics |
CHEM395 | Structural Biology Laboratory |
CHEM540 | Physical Chemistry IV: Advanced Quantum Chemistry |
CHEM541 | Physical Chemistry IV: Quantum Chemistry |
CHEM548 | Seminar in Chemical Physics |