CHUM214 The Modern and the Postmodern
CHUM224 "Public Freehold": Collective Strategies and the Commons in Art Since 1960
CHUM267 The Acceleration of Europe: Mobility and Communication, 1000--1700
CHUM303 What If? Introduction to Counterfactual History
CHUM304 Britons and Other Life Forms
CHUM305 Matter, Community, Environment
CHUM309 Truth and the Poet: Lyric Subjectivity from Dante to Dylan
CHUM310 French Crowds, Mobs, and Mobilities
CHUM313 Concepts of Matter: A Brief Philosophical History of the Concept of Matter
CHUM314 Ethnographies of Emerging Media
CHUM315 Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians
CHUM316 City, Mobility, and Technology: Toward the Modern City in Spain
CHUM317 Space and Materiality: Performing Place
CHUM332 Musical Mobility in America: Diasporas, Migrations, Borderlands
CHUM334 Entertaining Social Change
CHUM340 Observing Justice: Trials and Judgments in Arendt, Kleist, and Kafka
CHUM341 Global Histories: Problems in Scale, Scope, Depth, and Time
CHUM342 Knowledge, Race, and Justice: A Transhistorical Perspective
CHUM348 Representing Gender in Politics and the Media
CHUM350 The Affective Power of Music
CHUM354 Hope and Hopelessness in an Age of Mass Incarceration
CHUM362 Television Storytelling: Consuming Darkness
CHUM367 Ethics and Literature
CHUM370 Engaging Audiences: Spectatorship Within Black Popular Culture and Performance
CHUM372 Literature and Visual Culture in Shakespeare's England
CHUM384 The Contemporary Stage and the Antitheatrical Prejudice
CHUM224 "Public Freehold": Collective Strategies and the Commons in Art Since 1960
CHUM228 Virtue and Vice in History, Literature, and Philosophy
CHUM267 The Acceleration of Europe: Mobility and Communication, 1000--1700
CHUM276 Moving Through the Revolutionary Age: British Colonies and Early America, 1774--1815
CHUM302 Alliances, Commons, and Shared Resources
CHUM310 French Crowds, Mobs, and Mobilities
CHUM312 Indigenous Religion and the New Age: Inspiration or Appropriation?
CHUM313 Concepts of Matter: A Brief Philosophical History of the Concept of Matter
CHUM315 Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians
CHUM316 City, Mobility, and Technology: Toward the Modern City in Spain
CHUM318 Comparing Revolutions: The United States and Early Canada, 1774--1815
CHUM319 Zionism: A Political Theology
CHUM320 Modern Intellectual History in Global Perspectives
CHUM322 The Hope-lessness Photology of the Syrian Uprising
CHUM330 Women Make the World: Global Technologies and Gender
CHUM332 Musical Mobility in America: Diasporas, Migrations, Borderlands
CHUM338 You, Me, We, Them: A History of Comparison in a Globalizing World
CHUM340 Observing Justice: Trials and Judgments in Arendt, Kleist, and Kafka
CHUM346 Digital Humanities: Intellectual Encounters in the 21st Century
CHUM366 The Sounds of Black and Brown Performance
CHUM368 Comparative Philosophy
CHUM370 Engaging Audiences: Spectatorship Within Black Popular Culture and Performance
CHUM372 Literature and Visual Culture in Shakespeare's England
CHUM384 The Contemporary Stage and the Antitheatrical Prejudice
Last Updated on FEB-15-2025
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