WesMaps - Fall 2007 Courses Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CIR
CSS418-01Sophomore History Tutorial: The Emergence of Modern EuropeGrimmer-Solem,Erik    
.....F. 02:00PM-04:00PM; PAC411;
ECON101-01Introduction to EconomicsAdelstein,Richard P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; PAC001;
ECON101-02Introduction to EconomicsRayack,Wendy    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC001;
ECON110-01Introduction to Economic TheoryBonin,John P.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC002;
ECON110-02Introduction to Economic TheoryRosenblat,Tanya S.   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC001;
ECON110-03Introduction to Economic TheoryYohe,Gary W.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC002;
ECON267-01Economies of East AsiaImai,Masami    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; JUDD116;
ECON371-01International TradeRodríguez,Francisco Rafael   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC107;
GOVT155-01International PoliticsKearn,David Walter   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC125;
GOVT155-02International PoliticsSteele,Cherie J.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; JUDD116;
GOVT274-01Russian PoliticsRutland,Peter    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC421;
GOVT274-AU01Russian PoliticsSTAFF
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; JUDD113;
GOVT302-01Latin American PoliticsMcGuire,James W.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC421;
GOVT311-01United States Foreign PolicyFoyle,Douglas C.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC422;
GOVT329-01International Political EconomyGallarotti,Giulio    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC422;
GOVT333-01International OrganizationGallarotti,Giulio    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; BTFDA414;
GOVT334-01International Security in a Changing WorldFoyle,Douglas C.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC421;
HIST203-01Modern EuropeGreene,Nathanael    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC002;
HIST218-01Russian History to 1881Pomper,Philip    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC107;
HIST234-01The Middle East in the 20th CenturyMasters,Bruce A.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; PAC004;
HIST245-01Survey of Latin American Historyde Laforcade,Geoffroy    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE109;
HIST245-AU01Survey of Latin American HistorySTAFF
HIST316-01Advanced Seminar in African HistoryElphick,Richard H.   
...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; PAC104;

Spring 2008 Courses Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CIR
CSS418-01Sophomore History Tutorial: The Emergence of Modern EuropeGrimmer-Solem,Erik    
.....F. 02:00PM-04:00PM; PAC411;
CSS418-02Sophomore History Tutorial: The Emergence of Modern EuropeGrimmer-Solem,Erik    
.....F. 02:00PM-04:00PM; PAC411;
ECON101-01Introduction to EconomicsSkillman,Gilbert L.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC001;
ECON110-01Introduction to Economic TheoryRosenblat,Tanya S.   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC001;
ECON110-02Introduction to Economic TheoryHogendorn,Christiaan    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC001;
ECON261-01Latin American Economic DevelopmentRodríguez,Francisco Rafael   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC107;
GOVT155-01International PoliticsFoyle,Douglas C.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC125;
GOVT271-01Political Economy of Developing CountriesMcGuire,James W.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC421;
GOVT297-01Politics and Political Development in the People's Republic of ChinaHaddad,Mary Alice    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; JUDD113;
GOVT327-01Politics of TerrorismKearn,David Walter   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC136;
GOVT329-01International Political EconomySteele,Cherie J.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC107;
GOVT388-01Theory of World PoliticsSteele,Cherie J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK312;
GOVT390-01Presidential Foreign Policy Decision MakingFoyle,Douglas C.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; JUDDB6;
HIST212-01African History Since 1870Semley,Lorelle D.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; PAC107;
HIST219-01Russian and Soviet History, 1881 to the PresentPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; PAC004;
HIST224-01Modern China: States, Transnations, Individuals, WorldsDay,Tony    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC002;
HIST263-01Inside Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1945Grimmer-Solem,Erik    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC004;
HIST269-01Globalizing Britain: Diaspora, Empire, and HomeTucker,Jennifer    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK412;
HIST389-01Models of Imperialism and GlobalizationElphick,Richard H.   
...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; PAC136;

Last Updated on SEP-17-2024
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459