BIOL237 | Signal Transduction |
BIOL299 | Waves, Brains, and Music |
BIOL318 | Nature and Nurture: The Interplay of Genes and Environment |
BIOL320 | Quantitative Methods for the Biological and Environmental Sciences |
BIOL325 | Stem Cells: Basic Biology to Clinical Application |
CHEM314 | Environmental Chemistry |
CHEM321 | Biomedicinal Chemistry |
CHEM379 | Nanomaterials Lab |
CHEM383 | Biochemistry |
CIS150 | The Art of Scientific Writing |
CIS221 | Research Frontiers in the Sciences I |
CIS231 | Modeling and Data Analysis: From Molecules to Markets |
CIS239 | Proseminar: Network Analysis |
CIS241 | Introduction to Network Analysis |
CIS265 | Bioinformatics Programming |
CIS321 | Senior Colloquium I: Integrative Sciences |
CIS323 | Bayesian Data Analysis: A Primer |
CIS327 | Evolutionary and Ecological Bioinformatics |
CIS520 | Academic Writing for Graduate Students |
E&ES216 | Laboratory Study of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks |
E&ES229 | Geobiology Laboratory |
E&ES233 | Geobiology |
E&ES280 | Environmental Geochemistry |
E&ES281 | Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory |
E&ES290 | Oceans and Climate |
E&ES292 | Techniques in Ocean and Climate Investigations |
E&ES322 | Introduction to GIS |
E&ES323 | Isotope Geochemistry: Tracers of Environmental Processes |
E&ES326 | Remote Sensing |
E&ES356 | Invasive Species: Biology, Policy, and Management |
E&ES359 | Global Climate Change |
E&ES371 | Planetary Evolution |
MATH231 | An Introduction to Probability |
MB&B208 | Molecular Biology |
NS&B239 | Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain |
NS&B250 | Laboratory in Cellular and Behavioral Neurobiology |
NS&B398 | Advanced Research in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience |
PHYS315 | Quantum Mechanics II |
PSYC316 | Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Neuroscientific, Historical, and Phenomenological Perspectives |
PSYC390 | Experimental Investigations into Reading |
PSYC392 | Behavioral Methods in Affective Neuroscience |