ASTR430-01 | Seminar on Astronomical Pedagogy | Hughes,Meredith ...W... 12:20PM-01:10PM; VVO110; |
ASTR555-01 | Planetary Science Seminar | Jackson,Jonathan Michael .M..... 12:20PM-01:10PM; VVO110; |
BIOL216-01 | Ecology | Singer,Michael ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; SCIE137; |
BIOL318-01 | Nature and Nurture: The Interplay of Genes and Environment | Sultan,Sonia ....R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; SHAN314; |
BIOL505-01 | Cell and Development Journal Club I | Coolon,Joseph David Devoto,Stephen Henri Johnson,Ruth Ineke Weir,Michael P. Mitchel,Jennifer .M..... 12:15PM-01:15PM; SCIE72; |
BIOL507-01 | Evolution Journal Club I | Sultan,Sonia Singer,Michael .M..... 12:15PM-01:15PM; SHAN314; |
BIOL509-01 | Neuroscience Journal Club I | Aaron,Gloster B. Naegele,Janice R. Melón,Laverne .M..... 12:15PM-01:15PM; ALLB004; |
CHEM383-01 | Biochemistry | Taylor,Erika A. .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 07:30PM-09:00PM; SCIE137; HALL84; |
CHEM383-02 | Biochemistry | Taylor,Erika A. .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; ..T.... 07:30PM-09:00PM; SCIE141; HALL84; |
CHEM521-01 | Chemistry Symposia I | Personick,Michelle Louise .....F. 03:30PM-04:30PM; SCIE58; |
CHEM557-01 | Seminar in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry | Northrop,Brian Hale ....R.. 12:00PM-01:00PM; HALL84; |
CHEM587-01 | Seminar in Biological Chemistry | Russu,Irina M. .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; HALL84; |
CIS121-01 | Wesleyan Mathematics and Science Scholars Colloquium I | Olson,Rich .....F. 02:50PM-03:40PM; ALLB311; |
CIS135-01 | Mindfulness | Teva,David Leipziger .M..... 08:30AM-10:00AM; ...W... 04:30PM-06:00PM; WMH; ORSL LIB; |
CIS170-01 | Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering | Ridley,Robyn E. ..T.R.. 12:50PM-02:40PM; SCIE40; |
CIS170-02 | Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering | Voth,Greg A. .M.W... 02:50PM-04:40PM; SCIE40; |
CIS175-01 | Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering | Moller,Daniel .M.W... 10:20AM-12:10PM; SCIE40; |
CIS185-01 | Form and Code | Chenier,Christopher James .M.W... 10:20AM-12:10PM; SCIE201; |
CIS210-01 | How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials | Ridley,Robyn E. .M.W... 12:50PM-02:40PM; SCIE40; |
CIS221-01 | Research Frontiers in the Sciences I | Arevalo,Phil .....F. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE339; |
CIS239-01 | Proseminar: Machine Learning Methods for Audio and Video Analysis | Yao,Jielu Neumann,Markus ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ALLB204; |
CIS241-01 | Introduction to Network Analysis | Oleinikov,Pavel V .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; OLIN014; |
CIS263-01 | Demystifying Data: Introductory Data Analysis and Modeling | Arevalo,Phil ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE103; |
CIS307-01 | Experimental Design and Causal Inference | Nazzaro,Valerie L. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; ALLB204; |
CIS310-01 | Genomics Analysis | Coolon,Joseph David .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; SCIE74; |
CIS321-01 | Special Topics in Integrative Sciences | Redfield,Seth .....F. 01:20PM-02:40PM; VVO110; |
CIS331-01 | Video Games as/and the Moving Image: Art, Aesthetics, and Design | Weise,Matthew .....F. 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS124; |
CIS400-01 | Professional Development and Graduate School Preparation Seminar | Taylor,Erika A. .M..... 04:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE92; |
COMP211-01 | Computer Science I | Manfredi,Victoria Ursula ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ...W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE121; SCIE72; |
COMP211-02 | Computer Science I | Manfredi,Victoria Ursula ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE121; SCIE72; |
E&ES280-01 | Introduction to GIS | Griffith,Daniel Mark .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; ALLB204; |
E&ES319-01 | Meteorites and Cosmochemistry | Greenwood,James P. ...W.F. 08:20AM-09:40AM; SCIE317; |
E&ES368-01 | Isotope Geochemistry | Ku,Timothy C.W. .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE405; |
E&ES375-01 | Modeling the Earth and Environment | Resor,Phillip G. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE309; |
E&ES557-01 | Research Discussion in Earth & Environmental Sciences | OConnell,Suzanne .....F. 04:15PM-05:15PM; SCIE405; |
MATH221-01 | Vectors and Matrices | Chan,Wai Kiu ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE139; |
MATH221-02 | Vectors and Matrices | Chang,Yu-Chan ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE638; |
MATH222-01 | Multivariable Calculus | Yelton,Jeffrey Samuel Reisman .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; SCIE137; |
MATH222-02 | Multivariable Calculus | Fieldsteel,Adam ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE150; |
MATH223-01 | Linear Algebra | Chan,Wai Kiu ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE113; |
MATH225-01 | Introduction to Real Analysis | Adeboye,Ilesanmi ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE137; |
MATH228-01 | Discrete Mathematics | Rasmussen,Christopher .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE405; |
MATH228-02 | Discrete Mathematics | Constantine,David ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; SCIE139; |
MATH231-01 | An Introduction to Probability | Constantine,David ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE139; |
MB&B208-01 | Molecular Biology | Padilla-Benavides,Teresita .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; SHAN107; |
MB&B208-02 | Molecular Biology | Holmes,Scott G. .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; SCIE109; |
MB&B338-01 | Biology and MB&B Symposium I | Holmes,Scott G. ...W... 12:10PM-01:10PM; SHAN107; |
MB&B381-01 | Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences | Smith,Colin A. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE201; |
MB&B507-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club I | Etson,Candice M. Olson,Rich ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE92; |
MB&B557-01 | Research Seminars in Molecular Biology | McAlear,Michael A. ...W... 04:20PM-05:20PM; SHAN201; |
MB&B585-01 | Seminar in Molecular Biology | Lane,Robert P. .M..... 12:15PM-01:15PM; SHAN201; |
NS&B213-01 | Behavioral Neurobiology | Aaron,Gloster B. Kurtz,Matthew M. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SHAN107; |
NS&B353-01 | Neurobiology of Neurological Disorders | Treloar,Helen B. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE113; |
NS&B353-02 | Neurobiology of Neurological Disorders | Treloar,Helen B. ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE113; |
PHYS315-01 | Quantum Mechanics II | Blumel,Reinhold .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; SCIE216; |
PHYS340-01 | Computational Physics | Starr,Francis W. ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; SCIE72; |
PHYS505-01 | Condensed Matter Physics Seminar I | Voth,Greg A. ....R.. 04:15PM-05:15PM; SCIE103; |
PHYS507-01 | Atomic and Molecular Physics Seminar I | Stewart,Brian A. .M..... 04:15PM-05:15PM; SCIE221; |
PHYS509-01 | Theoretical Physics Seminar I | Kottos,Tsampikos .....F. 01:20PM-02:20PM; SCIE216; |
PHYS521-01 | Physics Colloquium I | Blumel,Reinhold ....R.. 11:50AM-01:10PM; SCIE58; |
PSYC200-01 | Statistics: An Activity-Based Approach | Juhasz,Barbara Jean .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE74; |
PSYC200-02 | Statistics: An Activity-Based Approach | Patalano,Andrea L. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; SCIE184; |
PSYC200-03 | Statistics: An Activity-Based Approach | Ezzyat,Youssef .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE74; |
PSYC222-01 | Sensation and Perception | Juhasz,Barbara Jean .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; JUDD116; |
PSYC280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Kaparakis,Emmanuel I. ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
PSYC280-02 | Applied Data Analysis | Nazzaro,Valerie L. ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
PSYC280-03 | Applied Data Analysis | Kabacoff,Robert Ira ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
PSYC280-04 | Applied Data Analysis | Gooyabadi,Maryam ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
PSYC347-01 | Science of Suicide Risk & Prevention | May,Alexis .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; ALLB304; |
PSYC382-01 | Advanced Research in Decision Making | Patalano,Andrea L. ..T.... 07:10PM-10:00PM; ALLB304; |