CHEM120 | Real-World Chemistry |
CHEM320 | Scientific Research Ethics |
CHEM325 | Introduction to Biomolecular Structure |
CHEM340 | Physical Chemistry IV: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry |
CHEM382 | Practical NMR |
CHEM383 | Biochemistry |
CHEM385 | Advanced Biochemistry: Enzyme Kinetics |
CHEM388 | Biophysical Chemistry |
CHEM389 | Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Modeling |
CHEM395 | Structural Biology Laboratory |
CHEM519 | Structural Mechanisms of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions |
MB&B208 | Molecular Biology |
MB&B350 | Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics |
MB&B381 | Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences |
MB&B387 | Enzyme Mechanisms |
MB&B520 | Topics in Nucleic Acid Structure |