WesMaps - Fall 2015 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CMES
ARAB202Intermediate Arabic II
ARAB301Advanced Arabic I
ARAB311Introduction to Colloquial Levantine Arabic I
ARHA211Early Medieval Art: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Mediterranean, 300-1100
ARHA280Islamic Art and Architecture
CCIV201Art and Archaeology of the Bronze Age Mediterranean
FREN311The Franco-Arab World: Religions & Conflicts in Francophone Literatures & Films from the Arab World
HEBR202Intermediate Hebrew II
HIST111Understanding the Arab Spring
HIST228The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1922
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST234The Modern Middle East
HIST311Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans
HIST337Mystical Traditions in Islam
RELI201Introduction to The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament): From Canaan to Canon
RELI212Introduction to the New Testament
RELI215Politics and Piety in Early Christianities
RELI221Islam and Muslim Cultures
RELI227Jews and Muslims: Perceptions and Polemics
RELI294Rabbis, Rebels, and Reformers: Jewish Philosophy through the Ages
SPAN250Modern Spain: Literature, Painting, and the Arts in Their Historical Context

Spring 2016 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CMES
ARAB201Intermediate Arabic I
ARAB311Introduction to Colloquial Levantine Arabic I
ARHA280Islamic Art and Architecture
CCIV244Pyramids and Funeral Pyres: Death and the Afterlife in Greece and Egypt
GOVT270Comparative Politics of the Middle East
HEBR211Hebrew Literature
HIST228The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1922
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST247Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews
HIST311Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans
RELI215Politics and Piety in Early Christianities
RELI221Islam and Muslim Cultures
RELI294Rabbis, Rebels, and Reformers: Jewish Philosophy through the Ages
RELI372Jewish Politics, Jewish Power

Last Updated on FEB-17-2025
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